Seventh Hungarian Relativity Workshop

10-15 August, 2003

Sárospatak, Hungary

General Information

The Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI) and the Centre for Workshops in Theoretical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences organize a workshop on general relativity. The Workshop will be held 10-15 August, 2003 in Sárospatak (Tokaj region) Hungary.  

  Second announcement  

  The list of talks

  Photo gallery  

The organizing committee plans to publish the printed version of the talks in a proceedings volume.

Scientific Program

From the mid eighties there has been a series of Hungarian Relativity Workshops (HRW). This meeting is intended to provide a new lease on life to this sequence of workshops while preserving of all the values of the former ones. As in case of previous meetings, the HRW will be an open meeting. Interested researchers and students in all areas of gravitational physics are invited to participate. However, to make the theme of the workshop to be coherent the organizers intend to provide higher preferences to specific problems related to the following four areas

    1) Sources of gravitational radiation
                (analytic and perturbative approaches)

    2) Black hole physics
                (general theory, black holes with exotic matter fields, e.g. Einstein-Yang-Mills(-Higgs) systems)

    3) Cauchy problem in general relativity

    4) Brane Worlds
                (branes in cosmological and black hole context)

The organizers expect at least 30-35 people to be interested in attending this workshop which they would like to make an attractive and scientifically stimulating one. The main organizer of all the previous HRWs has been Zoltán Perjés. The banquet of the meeting will be dedicated to Zoltán who will be 60 in August.

International Advisory Board

    Robert Beig
    Brandon Carter
    Robert Geroch
    James Isenberg
    Zoltán Perjés
    Norbert Straumann


All correspondence concerning the meeting should be addressed to the local organizing committee

   I. Rácz,        RMKI Budapest
   G. Fodor,    RMKI Budapest

   mail: Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
       H-1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 49, Hungary
   phone: +36-1-392-2222/36-94
   fax: +36-1-392-2727

If possible, plese use the electronic mail.


 The registration fee of the workshop is

    EUR 475 (~115.000 Ft)     in single-room accommodation
    EUR 425 (~102.000 Ft)     in double-roomaccommodation
    EUR 375 (~80.000 Ft)       for accompanying family members
This fee will cover the accommodation (at Hotel Bodrog, Sarospatak) and full board for 5 days including 5 nights, coffee and refreshments,  an excursion to Tokaj, the conference dinner and the conference proceedings. The Organizing Committee has applied to several organizations for financial aid and, depending on the success of these applications, we hope to be able to provide financial support to a limited number of participants.


  The Tomalla Foundation, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, The Centre for Workshops in Theoretical Physics (NEFIM).  


The workshop will be held in Sárospatak, the cultural and touristic centre of the world-famous Tokaj wine region in North-Eastern Hungary. It is situated on the banks of river Bodrog, which flows into Tisza about 30 km downstream at Tokaj. The city has several outstanding historical monuments, e.g., the late baroque building of the Calvinist College and the Rákoczi Castle,which is one of the best preserved and richest building complexes of the late Renaissance to be found in the country. The College was founded in 1531, and was one of the most respectable scholarly institutions throughout the centuries. The contemporary architecture of the city is also remarkable. The inner city contains several works of the most renowned representative of the so called "Hungarian organic architecture", Imre Makovecz. 

Last modified: 1, May 2003