Andreas Ringwald - Exploring the Role of Axions and Other Ultralight Particles in the Dark Universe


2015. május 21., csütörtök, 15:00.
ELTE Pázmány Péter s. 1/A alatti épület, földszinti 0.81 előadó

Andreas Ringwald (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, DE)

„Exploring the Role of Axions and Other Ultralight Particles in the Dark Universe"

/Marx memorial lecture/

Kivonatos ismertetés:
Many theoretically well-motivated extensions of the standard model of particle physics  predict the existence of very weakly interacting slim (in the sense of ultralight) particles (WISPs),  such as the axion. WISPs may constitute the mysterious dark matter in the universe and solve some puzzles in stellar and high-energy astrophysics. There are new, relatively small  experiments around the globe, which started to hunt for these elusive particles and complement the search for physics beyond the standard model at the Large Hadron Collider.

2015.05.21. 15:00