Welcome to the webpage of the
Hungarian Vacuum Society
Hungarian Vacuum Society (HVS) is a forum of the Hungarian researchers working in the field of vacuum-related science. HVS helps home and international cooperation of the partners both in research and industrial applications. The main parner of HVS is the Division of Vacuum Physics, Technology and Applications (VPTA) of Roland Eötvös Physical Society (REPS). HVS is the key organisation which keeps contact with the International Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA). Common seminars of HVS and VPTA are held regularly.
President: | István BÁRSONY Center of Energy Research Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege M. str. 29-33. barsony.istvan@ek-cer.hu |
Secretary: | Attila CSÍK Institute for Nucelar Reseach H-4026 Debrecen, Bem sq. 18/C csik.attila@atomki.hu |
Representatives to IUVSTA: |
Councillor: László ÓVÁRI Alternate Councillor: Attila CSÍK |
Delegates in the Divisions of IUVSTA: |
Applied Surface Science: Bio-Interfaces: Electronic Materials and Processing: Nanometre Science: Surface Engineering: Surface Science: Thin Film: Vacuum Science and Technology: |