Welcome to the webpage of the
Division of Vacuum Physics, Technology and Applications
Division of Vacuum Physics, Technology and Applications (VPTA) of Roland Eötvös Physical Society (REPS) is a forum of the Hungarian physicists, chemists, engineers and technicians working in the field of vacuum-related science. Two former divisions of REPS (Vacuum Physics and Thin Film) merged in 2006 covering a much broader range of science and technique.
The aim of VPTA is to help its members in their everyday work. It is very useful in organizing seminars, training courses, making contacts between research and industry, and organizing home and international conferences.
The main partner of VPTA is the Hungarian Vacuum Society (HVS) which belongs to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). HVS is the key organization keeping contact with the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA).
President: | Béla PÉCZ Center of Energy Research Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege M. út 29-33. pecz.bela@ek-cer.hu |
Secretary: | Attila CSÍK Institute for Nucelar Reseach H-4026 Debrecen, Bem tér 18/C csik.attila@atomki.hu |
Members of the Executive committee: |
István CSARNOVICS (University of Debrecen, Department of Experimental Physics) Zsolt CZIGÁNY (EK MFA) László ÓVÁRI (SzTE & ELI-ALPS) József TÓTH (Institute for Nucelar Reseach) |
Honorary presidents: |
Péter B. BARNA |