ELTE Komplex Rendszerek Fizikája Tanszék tea - Two examples of quantitative analysis of social systems
az ELTE Komplex Rendszerek Fizikája Tanszék teájára
Rosario Nunzio Mantegna
(CEU, Department of Economics)
Two examples of quantitative analysis of social systems:
political profiles in a Finnish election,
and criminal attitudes of Swedish suspects
In the first example [1] I present an empirical investigation of the political profile of candidates and elected of the last parliamentary elections in Finland, based on their answers to a questionnaire proposed by one of the leading Finnish newspapers. The survey is analyzed as a bipartite network in which individual respondents are linked to the actual answers they provide. In our analysis, we quantitatively verify that female candidates present political profiles, which are more compassionate and more concerned with social welfare issues than male candidates and we show evidence that the voting procedure acts as a process of information aggregation.
In the second example [2] I present a study on the degree of specialization of criminal suspects. We observe a non-trivial pattern of specialization across age and gender of suspects.
[1] Tumminello, Michele, Miccichè, Salvatore, Varho, Jan, Piilo, Jyrki and Mantegna, Rosario N., Quantitative Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Information Aggregation in a National Election (November 10, 2012). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2173980 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2173980
[2] Tumminello, Michele, Edling, Christofer, Liljeros, Fredrik, Mantegna, Rosario N. and Sarnecki, Jerzy, The Phenomenology of Specialization of Criminal Suspects (August 16, 2012). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2130613
Az előadás kezdete: március 26-án, kedden kettőkor
helye: ELTE TTK északi épület, 5.128-as terem.
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