ELTE TTK Statisztikus Fizikai Szeminárium - An information-theoretic model for communication

ELTE TTK Fizikai Intézet

2013. március 13.
szerda, 11 óra

Nick Moloney

London Mathematical Laboratory

An information-theoretic model for communication

We examine the cost-minimization problem posed by Ferrer i Cancho and
Solé in their information-theory based communication model (R. Ferrer
i Cancho and R. V. Solé, PNAS 100, 788 (2003)), proposed in efforts
to explain Zipf's Law (power law frequency-rank relation for words in
written texts). We obtain the exact minimum-cost solutions as
obtained previously via other methods. The model exhibits three
qualitatively different behaviors according to the relative
importance of speaker and listener costs. At the phase transition,
the minimum-cost solutions do not correspond to a power law except
for a vanishingly small subset.

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2013.03.13. 11:00