MTA CSFK CSI szemináriumi meghívó - The clumped winds of Hot, Luminous Stars and their True Mass-loss Rates
Beküldte Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött) - 2013 jan 11 - 11:31
*INTÉZETI SZEMINÁRIUM* Elo~adó: *Zsargó János* (Escuela Superiora de Fisica y Matematica, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexikóváros) Elo~adás címe: *The clumped winds of Hot, Luminous Stars and their True Mass-loss Rates * Kivonat: The high luminosities of massive stars drive strong stellar winds, through line scattering of the star's continuum radiation. This talk briefly reviews the dynamics of such line driving, and how the Line-Deshadowing Instability leads to a complicated density-structure (clumping) in the wind. I will also review how this clumping affects the interpretation of the observational diagnostics, like X-ray emission lines. I conclude the talk with a discussion on how we can use high-resolution X-ray observations to determine accurate mass-loss rates. Elo~adás ido~pontja: *2013. január 17. (csütörtök), 14:00** * Elo~adás helyszíne: MTA CSFK CSI Elo~adóterme 1121 Budapest, Konkoly T. M. út 15-17.
2013.01.17. 15:00