Markus Ackermann - High-energy neutrinos - a new messenger from the universe
2014. május 22., csütörtök, 15:00-kor
Az ELTE Pázmány Péter s. 1/A alatti épületében földszinti 0.81 előadóban
Markus Ackermann (DESY-Zeuthen) - „High-energy neutrinos - a new messenger from the universe"
Kivonatos ismertetés:
The extraterrestrial neutrinos recently observed by the IceCube neutrino telescope that is located at the South Pole open a new field in astrophysics. Besides photons and charged cosmic rays we can now use a third and very unique messenger - the neutrino - to probe the high-energy universe. Neutrinos reach the Earth from astrophysical environments that are too dense for photons to escape. Unlike the charged cosmic rays they are not deflected in the ubiquitous magnetic fields of the interstellar and intergalactic space. Hence, neutrinos allow us to study high-energy processes in astrophysical environments in a new and complimentary way, and eventually to unravel the 100-year mystery of the origin of cosmic rays. After an introduction of the IceCube neutrino observatory that was completed in 2010, I will summarize our observations and searches for high-energy neutrinos from the universe and what we learned from these observations so far.