Gergely Fejos - Finite temperature chiral symmetry restoration with functional renormalization group methods

RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma

Gergely Fejos (RIKEN, Japan)

 "Finite temperature chiral symmetry restoration with functional renormalization group methods" címmel.


I will propose a method for studying finite temperature chiral symmetry restoration, based on a chiral invariant expansion of the functional renormalization group flows in effective field theories. The method is capable to recover the one-loop beta-functions of the U(n)xU(n) linear sigma model, and with calculating the effective potential, it shows a direct evidence that regardless of the flavor number, with zero quark masses, the system undergoes a first order transition. Treatment of the axial anomaly and the finite quark mass scenario will also be discussed.

Helye: Wigner FK RMI III.ép. Tanácsterem
Ideje: 2015. január 9. péntek du. 14:00 óra

2015.01.09. 14:00