Robert Konik - Glimmers of a Quantum KAM Theorem: Insights from Quantum Quenches in One Dimensional Bose Gases
BME Fizikai Intézete Elméleti Fizika Tanszéké szemináriuma.
Robert Konik (Brookhaven National Lab)
"Glimmers of a Quantum KAM Theorem: Insights from Quantum Quenches in One Dimensional Bose Gases"
We consider quantum quenches in one dimensional Bose gases
where we prepare the gas in the ground state of a parabolic trap and
then release it into a small cosine potential. This cosine potential
breaks the integrability of the 1D gas which absent the potential is
described by the Lieb-Liniger model. We explore the consequences of
this cosine potential on the thermalization of the gas. We argue
that the integrability breaking of the cosine does not immediately
lead to ergodicity inasmuch as we demonstrate that there are residual
quasi-conserved quantities post-quench. We demonstrate that the
quality of this quasi-conservation can be made arbitrarily good.
Helye: BME Fizikai Intézet, Elméleti Fizika Tanszék
Budafoki út 8. F-épület, III lépcsöház
Szemináriumi szoba
Ideje: 2014. november 14. péntek, 10:15.