Agócs, András
ELTE/RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Angular dependence of jet energy loss
Auvinen, Jussi
Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
Balbastre, Gustavo Conesa
- Direct prompt photon identification with EMCAL in ALICE
Barnafödi, Gergely
Kent State Univ., Kent, USA
Nuclear modification on particle production and isospin effect
Bielcik, Jaroslav
Yale Univ., New Haven, USA
- Open heavy flavour at RHIC
Boldizsár, László
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
- Simulations of a high-pT trigger for ALICE
Cole, Brian
Columbia Univ., New York, USA
- Experimental probes of jet quenching from
RHIC to the LHC
Csörgö, Tamás
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
- Gamma-jet correlations for locating the second order critical
point of the QCD phase diagram
David, Gabor
BNL, Upton, USA
- Pion and photon production in heavy ion collisions
Eskola, Kari
Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
- Improved global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions
including RHIC data
Fai, George
Kent State Univ., Kent, USA
- Expected nuclear modification factors and pseudorapidity
asymmetries in p(d)Pb collisions at the LHC
Ferini, Graziella
LNS, Catania, Italy
- Elliptic Flow and Shear Viscosity in a Parton
Cascade Approach
Fodor, Zoltán
RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Hamar Gergö
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Házi, András
ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Hernáth, Szabolcs
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
- LHC Computing Grid (LCG): terascale computing
in a global context
Kalliopi, Kanaki
Bergen Univ., Bergen, Norway
Karolis, Tamosiunas
ITPA, Litvania
Kim, Dongjo
Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
- Analysis of the direct photon associated spectra from RHIC to LHC
Krajczár, Krisztián
ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
- Measuring nuclear modification factors at high pT using jet triggers
László, András
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
- Energy dependence of transverse particle production from
Lévai, Péter
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Lokhtin, Igor
MSU, Moscow, Russia
Recent development on HYDJET/PYQUEN event generators and novel jet
quenching observables at LHC
Hard Probes capabilities of CMS detector in heavy ion collisions
at LHC
Luszczak, Marta
Rzeszow Univ., Rzeszow, Poland
- Open charm and bottom and nonphotonic electrons
Martinengo, Paolo
- Improved Cherenkov Threshold detectors for heavy-ions experiment
Paukkunen, Hannu
Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
Papp, Gábor
ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Safarik, Karel
CERN, Switzerland
- First Physics at LHC - seen by ALICE
Sarycheva, Ludmila
MSU, Moscow, Russia
Scardina, Francesco
LNS, Catania, Italy
Schafer, Wolfgang
IFJ, Cracow, Poland
- Unitarity cutting rules for hard processes on nuclei
Siklér, Ferenc
MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
- Towards the measurement of charged hadron spectra in CMS
Sótér, Anna
ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Slipek, Gabriella
IFJ, Cracow, Poland
- QCD k_t-smearing and Drell-Yan dilepton production
Szeles, Sándor
ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Szczurek, Antoni
Rzeszow Univ. Rzeszow, Poland
- Kinematical correlations: from RHIC to LHC
Stolmár, Aladár
Tomasik, Boris
Banska Bistrica, Slovakia
- Contribution to elliptic flow from hard processes
Topilskaya, Natali
INR, Moscow, Russia
- Transverse momentum dependence of charmonium production in heavy
ion collisions
Yang, Chunbin
IOPP, Wuhan, China
- Elliptic flow without using hydrodynamics
Veres, Gábor
ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
- Correlations with a high-pT trigger over a broad eta range
Vesztergombi, George
RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Volpe, Giacomo
Bari Univ., Bari, Italy
tokaj08 @
- As of March 5, 2008 -