Agócs, András ELTE/RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Angular dependence of jet energy loss
Auvinen, Jussi Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
Balbastre, Gustavo Conesa CERN
Direct prompt photon identification with EMCAL in ALICE
Barnafödi, Gergely Kent State Univ., Kent, USA
Nuclear modification on particle production and isospin effect
Bielcik, Jaroslav Yale Univ., New Haven, USA
Open heavy flavour at RHIC
Boldizsár, László MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Simulations of a high-pT trigger for ALICE
Cole, Brian Columbia Univ., New York, USA
Experimental probes of jet quenching from RHIC to the LHC
Csörgö, Tamás MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Gamma-jet correlations for locating the second order critical point of the QCD phase diagram
David, Gabor BNL, Upton, USA
Pion and photon production in heavy ion collisions
Eskola, Kari Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
Improved global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions including RHIC data
Fai, George Kent State Univ., Kent, USA
Expected nuclear modification factors and pseudorapidity asymmetries in p(d)Pb collisions at the LHC
Ferini, Graziella LNS, Catania, Italy
Elliptic Flow and Shear Viscosity in a Parton Cascade Approach
Fodor, Zoltán RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Hamar Gergö MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Házi, András ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Hernáth, Szabolcs MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
LHC Computing Grid (LCG): terascale computing in a global context
Kalliopi, Kanaki Bergen Univ., Bergen, Norway
Karolis, Tamosiunas ITPA, Litvania
Kim, Dongjo Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
Analysis of the direct photon associated spectra from RHIC to LHC
Krajczár, Krisztián ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Measuring nuclear modification factors at high pT using jet triggers
László, András MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Energy dependence of transverse particle production from SPS to RHIC
Lévai, Péter MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Lokhtin, Igor MSU, Moscow, Russia
Recent development on HYDJET/PYQUEN event generators and novel jet quenching observables at LHC
Hard Probes capabilities of CMS detector in heavy ion collisions at LHC
Luszczak, Marta Rzeszow Univ., Rzeszow, Poland
Open charm and bottom and nonphotonic electrons
Martinengo, Paolo CERN
Improved Cherenkov Threshold detectors for heavy-ions experiment
Paukkunen, Hannu Jyvaskyla Univ., Jyvaskyla, Finland
Papp, Gábor ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Safarik, Karel CERN, Switzerland
First Physics at LHC - seen by ALICE
Sarycheva, Ludmila MSU, Moscow, Russia
Scardina, Francesco LNS, Catania, Italy
Schafer, Wolfgang IFJ, Cracow, Poland
Unitarity cutting rules for hard processes on nuclei
Siklér, Ferenc MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Towards the measurement of charged hadron spectra in CMS
Sótér, Anna ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Slipek, Gabriella IFJ, Cracow, Poland
QCD k_t-smearing and Drell-Yan dilepton production
Szeles, Sándor ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Szczurek, Antoni Rzeszow Univ. Rzeszow, Poland
Kinematical correlations: from RHIC to LHC
Stolmár, Aladár USA
Tomasik, Boris Banska Bistrica, Slovakia
Contribution to elliptic flow from hard processes
Topilskaya, Natali INR, Moscow, Russia
Transverse momentum dependence of charmonium production in heavy ion collisions
Yang, Chunbin IOPP, Wuhan, China
Elliptic flow without using hydrodynamics
Veres, Gábor ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Correlations with a high-pT trigger over a broad eta range
Vesztergombi, George RMKI, Budapest, Hungary
Volpe, Giacomo Bari Univ., Bari, Italy

tokaj08 @

- As of March 5, 2008 -