Imre Ferenc Barna  
Phd in Physics
Research Associate


Wigner Research Centre for Physics at the
KFKI Campus former belonged to the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences now part of the
HUN-REN Hungarian Reserach Network

Address: 1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege ut 29-33
Postal Address: H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49. Hungary
Building: 3
Room: 102

Telefon: +36-1-392-2222/3504
Fax: +36-1-392-2598
e-mail: barna.imre((at))

Born Nov. 13. 1972 Budapest
Nationality Hungarian
Foreign Languages English, German
Marital Status married, one daughter

Physics Student 1991-1997 Technical University of Budapest
Exchange Student 1996-1997 Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Tempus Grant
MSc. Exam 1997 Technical University of Budapest
Research Assistant 1997  Central Chemical Research Center in Budapest
PhD Student 1998-2002 Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

Post-Doc 2002-2004 Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems Dresden
Post-Doc 2004 - June 2005 Institute for Theoretical Physics TU-Vienna 2004
Research Associate June 2005 - June 2013 Atomic Energy Research Institute later Energy Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Associate June 2012 - November 2019 ELI-ALPS Nonprofit Ltd, Szeged
Research Associate June 2013 - Wigner Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Tutor for biophysics in German language September 2008 - University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest

Actual CV in PDF

Research Activities (past and present) :

Nuclear Physics
Localisation of nonlocal potentials
Atomic Physics
Ionisation of helium in heavy-ion, proton, antiproton and positron collisions collisions
Photoionisation of helium with short intense laser pulses and coherent control
Numerical Hydrodynamics
Thermohydraulics of two-phase flow (water or mercury )
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Bouncing ball billiard

Searching Analytic Solutions of Partial Differential Equations of Flows,
Organizing the Hungarian EuPRAXIA Constributions,
Investigating Laser - Matter Interaction

List of Publications (in html)
List of Publications (in PDF)

Erdős Number: 4 (via Prof. Robert János Kersner)
Google Scholar
Scientometrics D6
ORCID: 0000-0001-6206-3910
MTMT (Hungarian Stuff)

University Education:
Lecture note in German / Notiz einer Universitätsvorlesung :
Biophysik Vorlesungen

Journal Editorial Activity :
Special Issue "Exact Solutions with Symmetry Reduction and Long Time Behaviors of Non-linear Partial Differential Equations"
Special Issue " Special Issue "Heat Transfer and Energy Harvesting in Fluid System""

Other Stuff:
Relax, have fun!
Media, Press Release
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SquirrelMail in KFKI

Last modified: 31.05.2024