Scientific Publications of Dr. Imre Ferenc Barna:
last modified 10.03.2025

85. I.F. Barna and L . Mátyás
"Analytic Solutions of the Complex Diffusion Equation with Aspects on Quantum Mechanics"
accepted for publication
IF (2023) 1.4

84. B. E. Szigeti,I. Szapudi, I.F. Barna and G. G. Barnaföldi
"Can Rotation Solve the Hubble Puzzle?"
accepted for publication
IF (2022) 4.8

83. I. F. Barna, L. Mátyás, K. Hriczó and G. Bognár
"Analytical Investigation of Time-Dependent Two-Dimensional Non-Newtonian Boundary Layer Equations"
Mathematics 12, (2024) 3863
IF 2.3 (2023)

82. I. F. Barna, and L. Mátyás
"Diffusion Cascades and Mutually Coupled Diffusion Processes"
Mathematics 12, (2024) 3298
IF 2.3 (2023)

81. G. Bognár, I. F. Barna, K. Hriczó and L. Mátyás
"Diffusion phenomena associated with surface growth"
IP Conf. Proc. 3094, (2024) 250001
IF 0.40 (2023) a proceedings forerunner of 79.

80. L. Mátyás and I.F. Barna
"Self-similar and traveling wave solutions of diffusion equations with concentration dependent diffusion coefficients"
Romanian Journal of Physics 69 (2024) 106
IF 1.5 (2022)

79. E. Kovács, I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás and K. Hriczó
"Analytical and numerical study of diffusion propelled surface growth phenomena"
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 11 (2024) 100798
IF 5.23 (2022)

78. B. E. Szigeti, I. F. Barna, and G. G. Barnaföldi
"The Formulation of Scaling Expansion in an Euler-Poisson Dark-fluid Model"
Universe 9, (2023) 431
IF 2.813

77. I. F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Investigation of incompressible boundary layers with viscous heat conduction"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2849, (2023) 160001
IF 0.4

76. K. Hriczó and I. F. Barna
"Heat and mass transfer of nanofluids containing metallic nanoparticles"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2849, (2023) 160003
IF 0.4

75. S. Varró, Sz. Hack, G. Parag, P. Földi, I. F Barna and A. Czirják
"Diatomic molecule in a strong infrared laser field: level-shifts and bond-length change due to laser-dressed Morse potential"
New. J. Phys. 11, (2023) 131
IF 3.3

74. A. H, Askar, Á. Nagy, I.F. Barna and E. Kovács
"Analytical Solution and Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Cylindrical- and Spherical-Shaped Bodies"
Computation 11, (2023) 131
We are on the cover page of the issue
IF 2.813

73. A, H, Askar, Á, Nagy, I. F. Barna and E. Kovács
"Analytical and Numerical Results for the Diffusion-Reaction Equation When the Reaction Coefficient Depends on Simultaneously the Space and Time Coordinates"
Computation 11, (2023) 127
IF 2.813

72. L. Mátyás and I.F. Barna
"Even and Odd Self-Similar Solutions of the Diffusion Equation for Infinite Horizon"
Universe 9, (2023) 264
IF 2.813

71. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and K. Tőkési
"Ab Initio Double-Differential Ionization Cross-Section Calculations in Antiproton–Helium Collisions"
Atoms 11, (2023) 74
IF 1.8

70.M. Saleh, E. Kovács and I.F. Barna
" Analytical and Numerical Results for the Transient Diffusion Equation with Diffusion Coefficient Depending on Both Space and Time"
Algorithms 16, (2023) 184
IF 2.3

69. G. Bíró, M. Pocsai, I.F. Barna, J.T. Moody and G. Demeter
"Machine learning methods for Schlieren imaging of a plasma channel in tenuous atomic vapor"
Optics and Laser Technology 159, (2023) 108948
IF 4.939

68. E. Kovács, M. Saleh, I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"New Analitical Results and Numerical Schemes for Irregular Diffusion Processes"
Diffusion Fundamentals 35, (2022) 70

67. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás és K. Hriczó
"Self-similar analysis of the time-dependent compressible and incompressible boundary layers including heat conduction"
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147, (2022) 13625
IF 4.626

66. I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Lissajous curves with a finite sum of prime number frequencies"
Annals of Mathematics and Physics 5(2), (2022) 137
IF 0.16

65. Barna Imre Ferenc, Mátyás László és Hriczó Krisztián
"A fűtött határréteget leíró parciális differenciálegyenlet rendszer önhasonló megoldásai "
Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 39, (2022) 1-15
a publication in Hungarian language, with an English abstract at the end

64. I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Advanced Analytic Self-Similar Solutions of Regular and Irregular Diffusion Equations"
Mathematics 10, (2022) 3281
IF 2.84

63. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and G. G. Barnaföldi
"Self-similar solutions of a gravitating a dark fluid"
Mathematics 10, (2022) 3220
IF 2.84

62. M. Saleh, E. Kovács, I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"New Analytical Results and Comparison of 14 Numerical Schemes for the Diffusion Equation with Space-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient"
Mathematics 10, (2022) 2813
IF 2.84

61. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and L. Mátyás
"Time-dependent analytic solutions for water waves above sea of variying depth"
Mathematics 10, (2022) 2311
IF 2.84

60. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás and K. Hriczó
"Analytical investigation of the rotating and stratified hydrodynamical problem"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2425, (2022) 290002
IF 0.4

59. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás and K. Hriczó
"Analytical examination of the time-dependent incompressible boundary layer with heat conduction"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2425, (2022) 290003
IF 0.4

58. L. Mátyás and I.F. Barna
"General Self-Similar Solutions of Diffusion Equation and Related Constructions"
Romanian Journal of Physics 67, (2022) 101
IF 1.888

57. K. Gméling, T. Kocsis, J. Osán1, Z. Kis, M. A. Pocsai, K. Tőkési, I. F. Barna and Gy. Pádi
"Evaluation of major and trace elements present in extracted humic acid from bog peat"
Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences 10, (2021) 47
IF 0.24

56. I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions of a two-fluid hydrodynamic model"
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis 26, (2021) 582
IF 1.74

55. Á. Nagy, I. Omle, H. Kareem, E. Kovács, I.F. Barna and G. Bognár
"Stable, explicit, leapfrog-hopscotch algorithms for the diffusion equation"
Computation 9, (2021) 92
IF 2.55

54. I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions of the rotating and stratified hydrodynamical equations"
Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics 4(1): 14, (2021); Article no.AJR2P.64107
IF 0.607

53. R.W. Assmann, M. Weikum.. et al.
"EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report"
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 229, (2020) 3675-4284
IF 2.707

52. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás, M. Guedda, and K. Hriczó
"Analytic solutions of the two-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growing equation"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, (2020) 280002
IF 0.4

51. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás, M. Guedda, and K. Hriczó
"Travelling-wave solutions of the Kardar- Parisi-Zhang interface growing equation with different kind of noise terms"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, (2020) 280005
IF 0.4

50. H. Kisztián, G. Bognár and I.F. Barna
"Effect of Nonuniform Magnetic Field on Ferrofluid Flow and Heat Transfer"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, (2020) 280003
IF 0.4

49. G. Bognár, I.F. Barna, and K. Hriczó
"Investigation of roughening in nonlinear surface evaluation models"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, (2020) 280004
IF 0.4

48. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, M. Guedda, K. Hriczó and L. Mátyás
"Analytic self-similar solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface growing equation with various noise term"
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 25, (2020) 241
IF 0.957

47. I.F. Barna, L Mátyás and M.A. Pocsai
"Self-similar analysis of a viscous heated Oberbeck-Boussinesq flow system"
Fluid. Dyn. Res. 52, (2020) 015515
IF 0.918

46. M. K. Weikum et al.
"Status of the Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA conceptual design study"
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1350, (2019) 012059
IF 0.55

45. S.Varró, P. Földi and I.F. Barna
"Laser induced distortion of band structure in solids: an analytic model"
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206, (2019) 012005
IF 0.55

44. M.A. Pocsai, I.F. Barna and K. Tőkési
"Photoionisation of Rubidium in strong laser fields"
Eur. Phys. J. D. 73, (2019) 74
IF 1.366

43. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and S. Varró
"The influence of a strong infrared radiation field on the conductance properties of doped semiconductors"
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 84, (2018) 20101
IF 0.802

42. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and L. Mátyás
"Self-similarity analysis of the non-linear Schrödinger equation in the Madelung form"
Advances in Mathematical Physics, Article ID 7087295, (2018) Volume 2018

41. P. A. Walker et al.
"Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA design study"
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 874, (2017) 012029
IF 0.55

40. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and L. Mátyás
"Analytic Solutions of the Madelung Equation"
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 11, (2017) 271

39. I.F. Barna
"Similar Solutions of the G-Equation - Analytic Description of the Flame Surface "
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 11, (2017) 1000274

38. I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai, S. Lökös and L. Mátyás
"Rayleigh-Benard convection in the generalized Oberbeck-Boussinesq system"
Chaos Solitons and Fractals. 103, (2017) 336
IF 3.046

37. I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
"Heat conduction: hyperbolic self-similar shock-waves in solid medium"
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
(special issue, Recent Advances of Lie Theory in differential Geometry, in memory of John Nash) 10, S2-10," (2016)
IF 0.8

36. T. Csörgő, I.F. Barna and M.I. Nagy
"Observables and initial conditions for rotating and expanding fireballs with spheroidal symmetry"
Phys. Rev. C 93, (2016) 024916
IF 3.146

35. M.A Pocsai, S. Varró and I.F. Barna
"Electron acceleration by a bichromatic chirped laser pulse in underdense plasmas"
Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B. 369, (2016) 50
IF 1.389

34. I.F. Barna and S. Varró
"Proton scattering on carbon nuclei in bichromatic laser field at moderate energies"
Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B. 369, (2016) 77
IF 1.389

33. I.F. Barna, G. Bognár and K. Hriczó
"Self-similar analytic solution of the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equation with a non-Newtonian type of viscosity"
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 21, (2016) 83
approx. IF 0.468

32. I. F. Barna, M. A. Pocsai, A. Guba and A. Imre
"Theoretical study of steam condensation induced water hammer phenomena in horizontal pipelines"
Kerntechnik 80, (2015) 5
IF 0.248

31. I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic self-similar solutions of the Oberbeck-Boussinesq equation"
Chaos Solitons and Fractals 78, (2015) 249
IF 3.046

30. M.A. Pocsai, S. Varró and I.F. Barna
"Electron acceleration in underdense plasmas described with a classical effective theory"
Laser and Particle Beams 33, (2015) 307.
IF 1.649

29. I.F. Barna and S. Varró
"Laser assisted proton collision on light nuclei at moderate energies"
Laser and Particle Beams 33, (2015) 299.
IF 1.649

28. I.F. Barna
"Self-similar shock wave solutions of the non-linear Maxwell equations"
Laser Phys. 24, (2014) 086002
IF 1.025

27. I.F. Barna, L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions for the three dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equation"
Fluid. Dyn. Res. 46, (2014) 055508
IF 0.656

26. M. Aladi, J.S. Bakos, I.F. Barna et al.
"Pre-Excitation Studies for Rubidium-Plasma Generation"
Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Physics Res. A 740, (2014) 203
IF 1.316

25. I.F. Barna and L Mátyás
"Analytic solutions for the one-dimensional compressible Euler equation with heat conduction closed with different kind of equation of states"
Miskolc Mathematical Notes 14, (2013) 785
IF 0.357

24. I.F. Barna
"A general telegraph-type model for heat conduction with self-similar behavior of solutions"
Lasers in Eng. 24, (2012) 95
IF 0.469

23. L Matyas and I.F. Barna
"Geometrical origin of chaocity in the bouncing ball biliard"
Chaos Solitons and Fractals 44 (2011) 1111
IF 1.222

22. I.F. Barna
"Self-similar solutions of the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation"
Communication in Theoretical Physics 56, (2011) 745
IF 0.747

21. I.F. Barna and Gy. Ézsöl
"Multiple condensation induced water hammer events, experiments and theoretical investigation"
Kerntechnik 76, (2011) 231
IF 0.2

20. I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
"Heat conduction: a telegraph-type model with self-similar behavior of solutions II"
Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 5, (2011) 193
IF 0.67

19. A. R. Imre,A. S. Abyzov, I. F. Barna and J. W. P. Schmelzer
"Homogeneous bubble nucleation limit of mercury under the normal working conditions of the planned European Spallation Source"
Eur. Phys. J. B. 79, (2011) 107
IF 1.875

18. I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
"Heat conduction: a telegraph-type model with self-similar behavior of solutions"
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, (2010) 375210
IF 1.641

17. A.R. Imre, I.F. Barna, G. Ezsol, G. Hazi and T. Kraska,
"Theoretical study of flashing and water hammer in supercritical water cycle during pressure drop"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, (2010) 1569
IF 0.883

16. I.F. Barna, A.R. Imre, G. Baranyai and Gy. Ezsol,
"Experimental and theoretical study of steam condensation induced water hammer phenomena"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, (2010) 146
IF 0.883

15. I.F. Barna, A.R. Imre, L. Rosta and F. Mezei,
"Two-phase flow model for energetic proton beam induced pressure waves in mercury target systems in the planned European Spallation Source"
Eur. Phys. J. B 66, (2008) 419
IF 1.568

14. I.F. Barna and P. Dombi,
"Coherent control for the spherical symmetric box potential in short and intensive XUV laser fields"
Central European Journal of Physics 6, (2008) 205
IF 0.448

13. I.F. Barna, L. Gulyas, K Tokesi and J Burgdoerfer,
"Total and angular differential cross sections of electrons emitted in collision between antiprotons and helium atoms emission cross sections for ionization of helium by protons"
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 76, (2007) 495
IF 0.934

12. I.F. Barna,
"Photoionization of Helium Atoms through a Superposition of Higher Harmonics"
Quantum Electronics, 26/3-4, (2006) 351
IF 0.129

11. I.F. Barna, J. Wang and J. Burgdoerfer
"Angular distribution in two-photon double ionization of helium by intense attosecond soft X-ray pulses"
Phys. Rev. A 73, (2006) 023402
IF 3.047

10. I.F. Barna
"Coherent control calculations for helium atom in short and intensive XUV laser pulses"
Eur. Phys. J. D 33, (2005) 307
IF 1.515

9. I.F. Barna, K. Tokesi and J. Burgdoerfer
"Single- and double-ionization of helium in heavy ion impact"
Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, (2005) 1001-1013
IF 1.913

8. K. Tokesi, I.F. Barna and J. Burgdoerfer
"Ionisation of helium in positron impact"
Nucl. Instr. Methds. B 233, (2005) 307
IF. 1.181

7. I.F. Barna, A. C. Gagyi-Pallfy, L. Gulyas, K Tokesi and J Burgdoerfer
"Singly differential electron emission cross sections for ionization of helium by protons"
Nucl. Instr. Methds. B 233, (2005) 176
IF 1.181

6. R. Klages, I.F. Barna and L. Matyas
"Spiral modes in the diffusion of a granular particle on a vibrating surface"
Physics Letters A 333, (2004) 79
IF 1.454

5. A.C. Gagyi-Palffy, I.F. Barna, L. Gulyas and K. Tokesi
"Angular Differential Cross-Section for Ionisation of Helium in C6+ Ion Collision"
Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, (2004) 1258
IF 1.176

4. I. F. Barna
"Ionisation of helium in positron collisions"
Eur. Phys. J. D 30, (2004) 5
IF 1.612

3. I. F. Barna and J. M. Rost
"Photoionisation of helium with ultrashort XUV laser pulses"
Eur. Phys. J. D 27, (2003) 287
IF 1.612

2. I. F. Barna, N. Gruen and W. Scheid
"Coupled-channel study with Coulomb wave packets for ionization of helium in heavy ion collisions"
Eur. Phys. J. D 25, (2003) 239
IF 1.612

1. I. F. Barna, B. Apagyi and W. Scheid
"Localisation of nonlocal potentials by a Taylor expansion Method"
J. Phys. G. 26, (2000) 323-331
IF 1.284

Book Chapters, On-line publications, manuscripts on arxiv, Peer reviewed conference proceedings, etc. etc. :

I.F. Barna, L. Mátyás,
" Analytic Solutions of the Complex Diffusion Equation with Possible Quantum Mechanical Relevance "

I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás, K. Hriczó
"Analytical investigation of time-dependent two-dimensional non-Newtonian boundary layer equations"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions for irregular diffusion equations with concentration dependent diffusion coefficients"

L. Mátyás and I.F. Barna
"Even and odd self-similar solutions of the diffusion eqution for infnitite horizon"

S. Varró, Sz. Hack, G. Paragi, P. Földi, I.F. Barna and A. Czirják
"Diatomic molecule in a strong infrared laser field: level-shifts and bond-length change due to laser-dressed Morse potential"

B.E. Szigeti, I.F. Barna and G.G. Barnaföldi
"The Formulation of Scaling Expansion in an Euler-Poisson Dark-fluid Model"

G. Bíró, M. Pocsai, I.F. Barna, J.T. Moody and G. Demeter
"Machine learning methods for Schlieren imaging of a plasma channel in tenuous atomic vapor"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Advanced self-similar solutions of regular and irregular diffusion equations"

I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and L. Mátyás
"Time-dependent analytic solutions for water waves above sea of varying depths"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"General self-similar solutions of diffusion equation and related constructions"

I. F. Barna, K. Hriczó, G. Bognár and L. Mátyás
"Self-similar analysis of the time-dependent compressible and incompressible boundary layers including heat conduction"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Lissajous curves with a finite sum of prime number frequencies"

I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, L. Mátyás, M. Guedda, and K. Hriczó
"Analytic Traveling-Wave Solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Interface Growing Equation with Different Kind of Noise Terms"
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Series, Vol. 333
Differential and Difference Equations with Applications, 2020 ICDDEA 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-5
Page 239 - 255

I.F. Barna, M. A. Pocsai and G. G. Barnaföldi
"Self-similar analysis for dark fluid hydrodynamics"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions of the rotating and stratified hydrodynamical equations"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions of a two-fluid hydrodynamic model"

Understanding the Schrödinger Equation: Some [Non]Linear Perspectives
Editor: Valentino Simpao and Hunter Little
Nova Science Publisher, 2020
ISBN: 9781536176629
Chapter 6, Pages 181 - 224
I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Self-similar And Travelling-Wave Analysis Of The Madelung Equations Obtained From the Free Schrödinger Equation"

M.K. Weikum et al.
"EuPRAXIA – a compact, cost-efficient particle and radiation source"
AIP Conference Proceedings 2160, 040012 (2019)

M.A. Pocsai and I.F. Barna
"Role of the laser chirp parameter in photoionisation"

I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, M. Guedda, K. Hriczó and L. Mátyás
"Analytic traveling-wave solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface growing equation with different kind of noise terms"

I.F. Barna, L Mátyás and M.A. Pocsai
"Self-similar analysis of a viscous heated Oberbeck-Boussinesq flow system"

I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and K. Tőkési
"Interaction of antiproton with helium based on ab-initio calculations"

I.F. Barna, G. Bognár, M. Guedda, K. Hriczó and L. Mátyás
"Analytic self-similar solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface growing equation with various noise term"

S. Varró, P. Földi,and I.F. Barna
"Laser induced distortion of band structure in solids: an analytic model"

M.A. Pocsai, I.F. Barna and K. Tőkési
"Photoionisation of Rubidium in strong laser fields"

M.K. Weikum et al.
"EuPRAXIA – A Compact, Cost-Efficient Particle and Radiation Source"
25th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2018)

Z. Kis, K. Gméling, T. Kocsis, J. Osán, M. A. Pocsai, K. Tőkési, I.F. Barna and Gy. Pádi
"Major and Trace Elements in the Humic Acid"
"ChemRxiv "

I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and L. Mátyás
"Self-similarity analysis of the non-linear Schrodinger equation in the Madelung form"

I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and S. Varró
"The influence of a strong infrared radiation field on the conductance properties of doped semiconductors"

I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai and L. Mátyás
"Analytic solutions of the Madelung equation"

I.F. Barna, M.A. Pocsai, S. Lökös and L. Mátyás
"Rayleigh-Benard convection in the generalized Oberbeck-Boussinesq system"

30th International Symposium on Shock Waves ISSW30 Conference Proceedings
Springer 2017 - Volume 2
Editors: Ben-Dor, Gabi; Igra, Ozer; Sadot, Oren
I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
Heat Conduction: Hyperbolic Self-Similar Shock-Waves in Solids
Page 927 - 931

Handbook on Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Applied Analysis
Editor: Denise Campos
Nova Science Publishers 2017
ISBN: 9781536102925
I.F. Barna
"Self-Similar Analysis of Various Navier-Stokes Equations in Two or Three Dimensions"
Chapter 16, Pages 275 - 304

T. Csörgő, M.I. Nagy and I.F. Barna
"Observables and initial conditions for rotating and expanding fireballs with spheroidal symmetry"

M.A. Pocsai, I.F. Barna and S. Varró
"Electron Acceleration by a Bichromatic Chirped Laser Pulse in Underdense Plasmas"

I.F. Barna and S. Varró
"Proton scattering on carbon nuclei in bichromatic laser field at moderate energies"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Analytic self-similar solutions of the Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations"

M.A. Pocsai, S. Varró and I.F. Barna
"Electron Acceleration in Underdense Plasmas Described with a Classical Effective Theory"

I.F. Barna and G. Bognár
"Self-similar analytic solution of the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equation with a non-Newtonian type of viscosity"

I.F. Barna and S. Varró
"Laser assisted proton collision on light nuclei at moderate energies"

I.F. Barna and A. R. Imre
"Theoretical Study of Steam Condensation Induced Water Hammer Phenomena in Horizontal Pipeline"

M. Aladi, S.J. Bakos, I.F. Barna et al.
"Pre-Excitation Studies for Rubidium-Plasma Generation"

I.F. Barna
"Three dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equation - self-similar and traveling wave solutions"

I.F. Barna
"Self-similar shock wave solution of the non-linear Maxwell equations"

I.F. Barna, Gy. Ézsöl and A.R. Imre
"Theoretical Study of Steam Condensation Induced Water Hammer Phenomena in Horizontal Pipelines"
8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF 2013, Jeju, Korea, May 26 - 31, 2013, Conference proceedings

I.F. Barna and L Mátyás
"Analytic solutions for the one-dimensional compressible Euler equation with heat conduction closed with different kind of equation of states"

I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
"Heat conduction: hyperbolic self-similar shock-waves in solids"

I.F. Barna and L. Mátyás
"Self-similar solution of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface dynamic equation"

I.F. Barna and Gy. Ézsöl
"Steam Condensation Induced Water Hammer Simulations for Different Pipelines"
The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, NURETH-14 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 25-30, 2011 NURETH14-xxx ,Conference proceedings

I.F. Barna
"Self-similar solutions of the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation"

I.F. Barna
"Self-similar solutions of the G-equation - analytic description of the flame surface"

I. F. Barna, L. Varga and Gy Ézsöl
" Steam Condensation Induced Water Simulations for Different Pipelines in Nuclear Reactor"
Proceedings of the 8th International Topical Meeting of Nuclear Thermo-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety NUTOS-8 Shanghai, China October 10-14, 2010, Conference proceedin

I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
"Heat conducuion: a telegraph-type model with self-similar behavior of solutions II"

A. R. Imre, A. S. Abyzov, I. F. Barna, J. W. P. Schmelzer
"Homogeneous bubble nucleation limit of mercury under the normal working conditions of the planned European Spallation Source"

L. Mátyás and I.F. Barna
"Geometrical origin of chaocity in the bouncing ball biliard"

I.F. Barna and R. Kersner
"Heat conduction: a telegraph-type model with self-similar behavior of solutions"

I.F. Barna, G. Baranyai and Gy. Ézsöl
"9003 Experimental and Theoretical Study of Steam Condensation Induced Water Hammer Phenomena"
Proceedings of the 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Tokyo, May 10-14 2009

I.F. Barna, G. Baranyai and Gy. Ézsöl
"8095 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steam Condensation Induced Water Hammer Phenomena"
Proceedings of the 2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Anaheim CA USA, June 8-12 2008

I.F. Barna, A.R. Imre, L. Rosta and F. Mezei,
"Two-phase flow model for energetic proton beam induced pressure waves in mercury target systems in the planned European Spallation Source"

I.F. Barna
"Generalized characteristics of the homogenous magneto hydrodynamical equations"

I.F. Barna, P. Dombi
"Coherent control for the spherical symmetric box potential in short and intensive XUV laser fields"

I. F. Barna,
"Searching for dark matter with helium atom"

I.F. Barna,
"Ionization of helium in relativistic heavy ion collisions (Phd Thesis)"