DDFConv -- strip headers from DASYLab binary files for wider usability


The purpose of this page is to distribute the win32 binaries ddfconv.exe (1.2 kB) and makeddf.exe (133 kB). Credits are due to Maciej Kaminski and Bernát Kocsis who created these useful softwares.
Their use is self-explanatory: start the converters from the command prompt and they will tell you how to use them.
The ddfconv.exe program will strip every headers from the data, so make sure you remember the number of channels registered and the sampling rate, which information is written on the screen when the program is run. Conversely, makeddf.exe will add headers back to binary data.
The great advantage of getting rid of the headers is that it makes the converted .DDF usable in other applications, like Spike2 or Matlab, etc., which are capable of reading raw binary data.

Usage examples

After running ddfconv.exe load your data in Matlab like this:
fid = fopen('Your_Binary_Data_File');
DAT = fread(fid, [Number_of_Channels, Inf], 'ushort')';
Or you can load it into Spike2 using the following menus: