Index of Selected Correspondents in the Michael Polanyi Papers

This index calendars correspondence to and from prominent figures represented in the Polanyi Papers between 1913 and 1975. An effort has been made to demonnstrate the wide range of Michael Polanyi's contacts. All scientists listed are those represented in the World Who's Who in Science (Chicago, 1968). As the correspondence is arranged chronologically with undated letters arranged alphabetically at the end of the series, indexed names are followed by the dates of their correspodance or, if there are undated letters, by the number of pieces followed by n.d. Correspodence with John R. Baker, Joseph H. Oldham, Marjorie Grene, Harry Prosch, Karl and Ilona Polanyi, and Cecile Polanyi follows the undated group.

Arthur J. Allmand

Edward N. da Costa Andrade

Raymond Aron

Yehoshua Bar-Hillel

Paul Beck

Daniel Bell

Ronald P. Bell

Morroe Berger

Ernst Berl

Arnold Berliner

John D. Bernal

Sir William Beveridge

Arthur Binz

Niels Bjerrum

Patrick M. Blackett

Max Bodenstein

Nils Bohr

Karl F. Bonhoeffer

Max Born

Sir William Henry Bragg

Sir William L. Bragg

Georg Bredig

Percy W. Bridgman

William F. Buckley

Alan Bullock

Hadley Cantril

Jean-Claude Casanova

Noam Chomsky

Jens A. Christiansen

Nevill Coghill

John Bell Condliffe

Erika Cremer

J. A. Crowther

Lionel Curtis

Cyril Darlington

Frederick G. Donnan

Ludwig Ebert

Paul Ehrenfest

Albert Einstein

Daniel D. Eley

Mircea Eliade

T.S. Eliot

Pierre Emmanuel

Dorothy Emmet

Erik Erikson

Henry Eyring

Kasimir Fajans

Herbert Feigl

Laura Fermi

James Franck

Herbert Freundlich

Alexander Frumkin

Joseph S. Fruton

Dennis Gabor

Charles C. Gillespie

David Goldstein

Sir Richard Gregory

Eduard Grüneisen

Fritz Haber

Otto Hahn

Robert S. Hansen

Garrett Hardin

Sir Alister Hardy

Romano Harré

Sir Roy F. Harrod

Robert D. Haworth

Sir Walter N. Haworth

Friedrich A. Hayek

Werner Heisenberg

Wilfred Heller

George C. de Hevesey

Joel Hildebrand

Sir Cyril Hinshelwood

Lancelot Hogben

Thorfin R. Hogness

Gerald Holton

Juro Horiuchi

Robert M. Hutchins

Sir Christopher Ingold

Oscar Jászi

Konstantin A. Jelenski

John Jewkes

Abram Joffé

David Caradog Jones

Michael Josselson

Bertrand de Jouvenal

Ivan Kats

Edwin C. Kemble

John Maynard Keynes

Frank Knight

Sigmund Koch

Arthur Koestler

Elmer Kohler

Nicholas Kurti

Imre Lakatos

Melvin Lasky

Max von Laue

Wolfgang Leonhard

Maurice Letort

P. A. Levene

W. Arthur Lewis

Samuel C. Lind

Robert Livingston

Dame Kathleen Lonsdale

Leo Lowenthal

Karl Mannheim

Hermann Mark

Jacob Marshak

Abraham and Bertha Maslow

Wolfe Mays

Eugen Merzbacher

Otto Meyerhof

Daniel P. Moynihan

Michael Murphy

Sir Lewis Namier

Walter H. Nernst

Maxwell Newman

Ronald Norrish

Ivan Obreimov

Friedrich Paneth

Maurice Pirenne

George Polya

Karl Popper

Oscar Rice

Sir Eric Rideal

Sir Robert Robinson

Carl Rogers

Edwin Schrödinger

Nicolai Semenoff

Edward Shils

Adolf Smekal

C.P. Snow

Otto Stern

Shepard Stone

Rex Stout

Leo Szilard

R.H. Tawney

A.J.P. Taylor

Paul Tillich

Alexander R. Todd

Samuel Tolansky

Theodore Von Karman

Sir Geoffrey Vickers

C. H. Waddington

George Wald

Sir Francis Walshe

Otto Warburg

Marx Wartofsky

Dame Veronica Wedgwood

Sir Vincent Wigglesworth

Eugene Wigner

Dorothy Wrinch



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Polanyiana Volume 5, Number 2, 1996, p. 67-107