School of Theoretical Physics
QCD '2005
2005, 24-28 May. (Map)
Place: Mátra
Oázis Training Centre (Borhy castle),
Sósi rét 2.
Rácz, István (KFKI RMKI) and Takács, Gábor (ELTE)
Registered participants
Registration and costs
Topics: |
Introduction to QCD, perturbation theory |
QCD phenomenology |
Lattice QCD |
Confinement, phase diagram and equation of state |
Heavy ion collisions, quark gluon plasma |
Hadron spectroscopy |
Chiral symmetry breaking |
Instantons |
Csörgő, Tamás: | A review of Bose-Einstein correlations and the perfect liquid in Au+Au collisions at RHIC |
Dokshitzer, Yuri L.: | QCD phenomenology |
Fái, György: | Particle production and nuclear effects at RHIC |
Fodor, Zoltán/Katz, Sándor: | Finite temperature QCD, phase transition and equation of state |
Forgács, Péter: | Instantons |
Hasenfratz, Péter: | Nonperturbative chiral symmetry and chiral gauge theories |
Lévai, Péter: | Jet energy loss in hot and cold nuclear matter |
Niedermayer, Ferenc: | Hadron spectroscopy |
Szabó, Kálmán: | Introduction to lattice QCD. Chiral fermions on the lattice |
Trócsányi, Zoltán: | Introduction to QCD. Perturbative approach |
Wolf, György: | Introduction to heavy ion physics |
Short talks | |
Gogohia, Vahtang: | Some dynamical aspects of the QCD ground state at zero and non-zero temperatures |
Csanád, Máté: | Systematics of identified hadron spectra as measured by the PHENIX detector |
Barnaföldi Gergely: | Application of perturbative QCD in heavy ion physics |
Kedd |
Szerda |
Csütörtök |
Péntek |
Szombat |
9:00 - 9:50 | |
Trócsányi |
Hasenfratz |
Lévai |
Fái |
10:00-10:50 | |
Dokshitzer |
Hasenfratz |
Wolf |
Fái |
11:10-12:00 | Érkezés | Dokshitzer |
Katz |
Forgács |
Csörgő |
Ebéd | Ebéd | Ebéd | Ebéd | Ebéd |
14:00-14:50 |
Trócsányi |
Szabó |
Wolf |
Forgács |
Vége |
15:00-15:50 | Trócsányi |
Katz |
Wolf |
Niedermayer |
16:10-17:00 | Szabó |
Dokshitzer |
Niedermayer |
Lévai |
17:10-18:00 | Gogohia |
Barnaföldi, Csanád |
Vacsora | Vacsora | Vacsora | Vacsora | |
19:10-20:00 |
Diszkusszió |
Diszkusszió |
Diszkusszió |
Diszkusszió |
Bajnok, Zoltán (ELTE) |
Barnaföldi, Gergely (KFKI RMKI) |
Bálint, Imre (KFKI RMKI) |
Csanád, Máté (KFKI RMKI) |
Csikor, Ferenc (ELTE) |
Csörgő, Tamás (KFKI RMKI) |
Dokshitzer, Yuri L. (Paris, LPTHE & St. Petersburg, INP) |
Egri, Győző (ELTE) |
Fái, György (Kent State Univ. & ELTE) |
Fodor, Zoltán (ELTE & Univ. Wuppertal) |
Forgács, Péter (Univ. Tours, CNRS/UPRES) |
George, Alan (ELTE) |
Gogohia, Vahtang (KFKI RMKI) |
Hasenfratz, Péter (Univ. Bern) |
Herpai, Tamás (ELTE) |
Katz, Sándor (ELTE) |
Kis, Péter D. (BME) |
Kormos, Márton (ELTE) |
Kovács, Tamás G. (PTE) |
Kovács, Péter (ELTE) |
Kövesárki, Péter (BME) |
Lévai, Péter (KFKI RMKI) |
Lukács, Árpád (KFKI RMKI) |
Németh, András (ELTE) |
Niedermayer, Ferenc (Univ. Bern) |
Palla, László (ELTE) |
Patay, Gergely (BME) |
Patkós, András (ELTE) |
Rácz, István (KFKI RMKI) |
Sexty, Dénes (ELTE) |
Somogyi, Gábor (ATOMKI) |
Szabó, Kálmán (Univ. Wuppertal) |
Szép, Zsolt (ELTE) |
Takács, Gábor (ELTE) |
Tóth, Bálint (ELTE) |
Tóth, Gábor Zsolt (ELTE) |
Trócsányi, Zoltán (ATOMKI) |
Veres Gábor (ELTE) |
Vecsernyés, Péter (KFKI RMKI) |
Wolf, György (KFKI RMKI) |
Participation fee
(all-inclusive) is 29725 HUF/person (7000 HUF/day/person + one additional lunch).
It is to be paid to the
learning centre administration in cash, during the school. All payments
are acknowledged by a fiscal receipt.
Registrations can be made by e-mail to
Takács Gábor
(user: takacs domain:, address: user@domain)
Deadline: 7th May 2005. (Maximum number of participants: 50 persons.)
a small village near the Matra hills can be approached by a car or by
bus from the nearby town of Gyöngyös. The bus stops in the
center of the village, the training centre can be reached on foot (a 3
km walk in northern direction). The castle is located at the end of the
road leading to the place called "Sósi rét", where a sign
marks the short road leading to the entrance.