DISCUSS issues in 1996
Nr.84 - Nr.107
No.107 26. Oct. 1996
ISIAME'96 - To the Participants
No.106 11. Oct. 1996
ISIAME'96 Deadline for abstracts
No.105 10. Oct. 1996
Organisation of ISIAME in 2000
A further short delay in moving MIX (Editorial)
No.104 24. Sep. 1996
ISIAME'96, about the book of abstracts
No.103 4. Sep. 1996
MIX moves on 18 September
No.102 28. Aug. 1996
ISIAME '96, about the final announcement
No.101 12. Aug. 1996
Horst Wegener's 70th birthday
Angstrom-XFEL: an Announcement
No.100 15. Jul. 1996
A sight back: History of MIX
Facelift longed for: New MIX Services on a New Site
Minutes of the Rimini IBAME meetings (Sept. 1995)
No. 99 22. Jun. 1996
No. 98 20. Jun. 1996
No. 97 7. Jun. 1996
No. 96 5. Jun. 1996
Wanted: A copy of Greenwood and Gibb 'Mossbauer Spectroscopy'
No. 95 22. May. 1996
ISIAME'96 registration deadline.
No. 94 12. May. 1996
In memoriam Milton Francisco de Jesus Filho
No. 93 3. May. 1996
ISIAME' 96 - Some news
No. 92 11. Apr. 1996
ISIAME' 96 - About the Third Announcement
No. 91 21. Mar. 1996
How to order the Proceedings of ICAME-95
No. 90 15. Mar. 1996
One-Year postdoctoral position at University College London
Workshop on Nuclear Resonance Scattering Tec hniques at ESRF
No. 89 7. Mar. 1996
Rayleigh scattering of Mossbauer radiation
No. 88 14. Feb. 1996
A memorial to Prof. Gerhard Ritter
No. 87 6. Feb. 1996
MS MS '96
No. 86 23. Jan. 1996
In memoriam Milan Hucl
No. 85 18. Jan. 1996
ISIAME'96 (reminder)
No. 84 10. Jan. 1996
Gerhard Ritter (1932-1996)
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