Selected Reference Literature in Mössbauer Spectroscopy
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F.E. Fujita (editor) (1999):
"Introduction to the Mossbauer Spectroscopy - Principles and Applications"
Agune Gijutsu Center, Tokyo
Schatz, G., Weidinger, A., Gardner, J.A. (1996):
"Nuclear Condensed Matter Physics (Nuclear Methods and Applications)"
John Wiley & Sons Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore
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Long, G.J. and Grandjean, F. eds. (1996):
"Mossbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Magnetism and Materials Science, Vol 2"
(A volume in Modern Inorganic Chemistry), Plenum Press, New York
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Long, G.J. and Grandjean, F. eds. (1993):
"Mossbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Magnetism and Materials Science, Vol 1"
(A volume in Modern Inorganic Chemistry), Plenum Press, New York
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Vértes, A., Nagy D. L. (1990):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Frozen Solutions"
Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
Long, G. J. ed. (1989)
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 3"
, Plenum, New York.
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Mössbauer Effect Data Center (1989):
"Mössbauer Effect Data"
University of North Carolina, Ashville, North Carolina, USA
Suzdal'ev, I.P., (1988):
"Gamma-resonance spectroscopy of proteins and model compounds"
(in Russian) Nauka, Moskow
Long, G. J. ed. (1987):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 2"
Plenum, New York.
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Long, G. J. and Stevens, J. G., eds. (1986):
"Industrial applications of the Mössbauer Effect"
, Plenum Press, New York.
Schatz, G., Weidinger, A. (1985):
"Nuklear Solid State Physics"
(in German) B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart
Cranshaw, T. E., Dale, B. W., Longworth, C. O. and Johnson, C. E. (1985):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy and its Applications"
Cambridge Univ. Press.
Long, G. J. ed. (1984):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 1"
Plenum, New York.
[More info]
Thosar, B. V. and Iyengar, P. K., Eds. (1983):
"Advances in Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Elsevier, New York.
Mørup, S. (1981):
"Paramagnetic and Superparamagnetic Relaxation Phenomena studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Polyteknisk Forlag, Lyngby, Denmark
Gonser, U. ed. (1981):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy II - The Exotic Side of the Method"
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany
Stevens, J.G. and Shenoy, G.K. (1981):
"Mössbauer spectroscopy and its chemical applications"
Advances in Chemistry Series, vol. 194, American Chemical Society, Washington DC.
Barb, D. (1980):
"Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Mössbauer Spektroskopie"
(in German) Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, GDR
Vértes, A., Korecz, L., Burger, K., (1979):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest and Elsevier Scientific Amsterdam-Oxford-New York
Gütlich, P., Link, R., and Trautwein, A. (1978):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Transition Metal Chemistry"
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany
Perlow, J.G. (1977):
"Workshop on New Directions in Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
AIP New York
Gibb, T.C. (1976):
Principles of Mossbauer Spectroscopy
Chapman and Hall London (A Halsted Press book, John Wiley & Sons Inc., N.Y. (ISBN 0 412 13960 X)
Bhide, V.G.:
Mossbauer Effect and its Applications
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1976):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 10"
Plenum Press New York
Gonser, U. (ed.) (1975).
"Mössbauer spectroscopy"
Springer-Verlag, New York
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1974):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 9"
Plenum Press New York
Cohen, S.G. and Pasternak, M. (1973):
"Perspectives in Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Plenum Press New York - London
Gruverman, I.J. and Seidel, C.W. eds. (1973):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 8"
Plenum Press New York
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1971):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 7"
Plenum Press New York
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1971):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 6"
Plenum Press New York
Greenwood, N. N. and Gibb, T. C. (1971):
"Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Chapman and Hall, London.
May, L. (1971):
"An Introduction to Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Adam Hilger, London + Plenum Press New York (ISBN 85274 184 7)
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1970):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 5"
Plenum Press New York
Spinel, V.S., (1969):
"Gamma-ray resonance in crystals"
(in Russian) Nauka, Moskow
Burgov, N.A., Skl'yarevskii, V.V. eds (1969):
"Mössbauer Effect"
(in Russian) [translation of original review articles of good selection] Atomizdat, Moskow
Danon, J. (1968):
"Lectures on the Mössbauer Effect"
Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, New York.
Goldaskii, V.I. and Herber, R.H. (l968):
"Chemical Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
, Academic Press, New York and London.
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1968):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 4"
Plenum Press New York
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1967):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 3"
Plenum Press New York
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1966):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 2"
Plenum Press New York
Krivoglaz, M.A., (1965):
"The Mössbauer Effect and its Applications in Solid State Physics"
(in Russian) Academy of Science USSR, Moskow
Wegener, H. (1965):
"Der Mössbauer Effect und seine Anwendung"
(in German) Bibliographisches Institut AG, Mannheim, Germany
Gruverman, I.J. ed. (1965):
"Mössbauer Effect Methodology Vol. 1"
Plenum Press New York
Fraunfelder, H. (1963):
"The Mössbauer Effect"
W. A. Benjamin, New York.
Mössbauer, R. (1958):
"Kernresonzflureszenz von Gammastrahlung in Ir191"
Z. Physik 151, 124-143
Last modified by L. Bottyán on 8 February, 1997