CRISP '97, Oldenburg, Germany, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1997
Kati Szalay, Budapest, Hungary
The present phase of the Hungarian Physics Information Systems will be presented.
These physics WWW-pages are maintained at KFKI, the centre of six research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The main research fields of the institutes are physics, chemistry, nuclear energy and enginieering sciences ( ). The KFKI WWW has as its aim to collect and present information on physics research and education in Hungary together with links to important physics web sites all over the world. From the KFKI Physics pages the following items are accessible: physics centres, institutes and university departments, e-journal archives, conference-, lecture-, article-collections, preprint services, libraries, scholarships, job opportunities and physics-related mailing lists in Hungary and throughout the World. The home page of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society (being under construction) is maintained here, as well.
An electronic journal for physicists (FIZINFO, the electronic journal of the Eotvos Society) and another one for high-school teachers (TANFORUM) are maintained at KFKI, the archives being accessible from the KFKI Web. We are also running specific services for the international physics community like MIX, the world-wide information service of Mössbauer spectroscopists ( and IBIS, a similar service for ion beam analysts (
Searching is implemented by the Harvest gatherer with the Glimpse Broker, it is in experimental phase at the moment.
It is the editors hope that these pages will support physicists by briefly informing them about goals and scientific achievements of each other.
Computer Networking Center
Budapest, Hungary
KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
big plans - support needed
Web search: Harvest gatherer, Glimpse Broker