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II. évfolyam 3. szám 2001. július [HUN] - Magyar cikk
On the activity of the LIMOS R&D Group in the field of ‘materials world’
G.Kaptay University of Miskolc, Department of Physical
Chemistry, LIMOS R&D As a guest editor of this issue of the e-journal “Materials World” let me introduce the readers to the R&D group called LIMOS, established by me about a decade ago. LIMOS is an acronym for “Liquid Metals and Molten Salts”, indicating the two main types of phases our work has been concentrated on. At least, four other types of phases should be mentioned, involved in our studies: ceramics (including oxides, borides, nitrides, carbides and carbon in different forms), solid metals, molten slags and of-course the gas/vapour phase. These six phase-types altogether in different combinations cover all materials systems studied by us so far, and this situation is not likely to change… Regarding the methods applied, ‘physical chemistry’ is the key word for our studies, in its very different aspects, including micro- and macromodelling, measurements of physical properties and synthesis of materials in laboratory scale. In the very wide aspects of physical chemistry the main emphasis is on thermodynamics, interfacial physical chemistry and electrochemistry. LIMOS is nor a cooperation, neither an official part of a university. LIMOS is rather a group of people connected by the desire to make research. Some members do fundamental research just for “fun”, to find out more about mother-nature, but some (usually more experienced) members do applied R&D. As a rule, students join us during their 2nd or 3rd under-graduate year, while studying Physical Chemistry as part of their curriculum of Metallurgical Engineering or Materials Engineering. They always start with “small” problems, usually connected with some measurements, but it becomes soon or later obvious for everyone that in any “small” problem always the whole complexity of the matter is involved. In this way particular subjects become inter-connected within the group both horizontally and vertically. Students usually move from more basic questions towards some more applied problems. The best of them do this journey repeatedly in inter-connected areas, increasing their capabilities. The driving force for a student to join our group is to find a solid basis to prepare his or her first “student research work”, participate on student conferences, and further to prepare a Diploma Work for MSc, maybe to be enrolled on the PhD course, and to get the PhD degree. Some of the students make only the first steps with us, and on higher years join some other groups of the Faculty. Some make the opposite – start with some other professors and join us at later stages. Some members joined us already being engineers or even PhD-s. We are opened to everyone and are also opened to cooperation with other groups both inside and outside our Faculty, both in this country and also at the international level. The official language of LIMOS is English. We speak different versions of English, mainly Hungarian-style, but some Persian and Russian accent is present, as well. All total 27 past and present members of LIMOS are shortly presented in Appendix 1. In early years LIMOS was financed mainly from personal founds. Today we have a good balance of academic, government and industrial founding, covering the costs of our personal needs, research equipment and materials and the costs of communication with the international scientific community, including extensive participation on conferences. The main results of our activity can be measured in the number and level of publications. In Appendix 2 our main research topics are summarised with key words. All research topics dealt by us so far can be divided into the following four large areas: Chemical Thermodynamics, Interfacial Science, Electrochemistry and Industrial Applied Research. Journal papers, and selected proceedings papers are collected in Appendix 3, together with major manuscripts of different levels (student research works, student diploma works, MSc Diploma Works, PhD Thesis, and a dr.habil thesis). Although the field of metallurgy is not very rich in impact factors (for instance BKL Kohászat, the Hungarian metallurgical journal is even not listed by ISI), nevertheless, the cumulative impact factor of LIMOS at the moment is about 22. The more important characteristics of our impact is that about 80 LIMOS-independent references have been obtained for our publications (see Appendix 3). The dynamics of our publications and that of LIMOS-independent references is presented in Fig.1. (for end of 2000). It is worth to mention that in addition to written works opened to public we have written 160 manuscripts (including industrial reports, reviews, etc), have delivered 150 oral and poster presentations on conferences and 100 presentations on scientific workshops and seminars. Fig.1. Cumulative publications of LIMOS and references obtained (for end of 2000) top: publications (journal + proceedings + manuscripts – see Appendix 3) bottom: references obtained on the above (see Appendix 3) In the present issue of this e-journal we are going to present some of our very recent results. In this way we intend to give a cross-section of subjects and ideas we are currently working on. We would appreciate any comments from the visitors of this web-site to our central e-mail address: fkmkap@ gold.uni-miskolc.hu. Let us say to you good by with our traditional Jó szerencsét, Glück auf, Good luck, Yours, LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS LIMOS Acknowledgements The author is grateful for his first professors at the Leningrad Polytechnic, Russia, prof. M.M.Vetyukov, Ju.V.Borisoglebskii and A.G.Morachevskii, who helped to make my first steps in science. Great thanks are due to prof. E.Berecz, who honoured me by a position in 1997, after my return from Russia, at the department of Physical Chemistry. All colleagues and students of the Faculty of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering of the University of Miskolc are also acknowledged for their inspiration – the majority of subjects of our study raised from the cooperation with them. Thanks are due of-course to now more than 100 of our co-authors from different institutions and countries.
Appendix 1. Past, Present, and Honoris Causa Members of the LIMOS R&D Group
Before starting the list of LIMOS members, we first should mention prof. Dr. h.c. Dr. Endre BERECZ as our ”LIMOS Member Honoris Causa”. Without his support LIMOS would have never been founded. He graduated as chemist (1949) at Pázmány Péter University (Budapest). Got his dr.rer.nat. in 1960 from the same University (renamed by that time as Eötvös Lóránt University). Got his CSc from the University of Leningrad in 1954, and his DSc in 1974 from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In the period between 1963 and 1990 he was a Head of Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Miskolc. Today he is a Professor Emeritus of this University. He worked in the fields of thermodynamics and electrochemistry of electrolytes, solutions and molten salts and established the subject of environmental chemistry at this University. The ordinary LIMOS-members are as follows:
At this point this list seems to terminate. In fact, this point is just the beginning of the next line. Our minds and hearts are open to involve anyone who REALLY wants to JOIN us and who REALLY wants to WORK with us.
Appendix 2 Research subjects studied by LIMOS The keywords given below are grouped according to the four major fields. Numbers after the key words apply to journal papers (Jx), proceedings papers (Px) and manuscripts (Mx) – see Appendix 3. Papers published in this issue are given in the last page (as MWx).
Subjects studied in field of (Bulk) Chemical Thermodynamics Measurement of thermodynamic properties and interactions B2, B2O3 – AlF3 P9 Cryolite/B2O3 M3, M13 Molybdenium borides J40 Estimation of thermodynamic properties of pure phases Al – intermetallides J5 AlF3 liquid J4 Cohesion energy in metals MW9, M26 MeAlCl4 (Me = Li, Rb, Cs) J18 Refractory borides, carbides, nitrides J5 TiCl2(liquid) P56 Modelling of excess properties of solution phases Association model theory J14, Association model applied to liquid metals, molten salts, slags P34, P5, M2 AlCl – MeCl (Me = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) J16, J7, M2 Calculation of phase equilibria B2 Al/chloride melts J6, J1, M2 Al-Mg-Zn P31, M22 Al-Si M21 Al-Zn M21 C/Al/K2ZrF6 P47 Fe-Al-N-B quaternary: J64, J50, J49, M12, M25 Fe-Al-O P13 Mg-Cu P22, M21 Pb-Sn P11, M15 Refractories/chloride melts J9, J8, J2, P1, M2 Refractories/Al J3, J2, P1, M2 SiC/Al-Si-Mg MW8
Subjects studied in the field of Interfacial Science Measurement of interfacial energies M1, M4, M6 Carbides/liquid metals P26 Graphite/cryolite P15 Oxides/chloride melts P24 Oxides/liquid metals MW1, P20, M16 Refractories/cryolite system J10 Refractories/Al system J10 Related to corrosion B3, J44 Si3N4/liquid metals P53, M27 WC/Cu-Sn system J55 Estimation of interfacial energies M1, M4, M6 Covalent ceramics/liquid metals MW2, J63 Databank J48, J37, J34, P12, P7 Ionic ceramics/liquid metals P51 Liquid Al of oxidised surface wit gas and refractories J11 Liquid metal/gas P6 Solid metal/ceramic J25, J58 Solid metals/liquid metals P50 Modelling of interfacial phenomena M1 During liquid phase sintering P23, M19 Dynamic simulation of particle movement MW3, J60, P42, P38, P33, M11, M20, M24 Incorporation of particles into liquid metals J23 In producing amorphous metal matrix composites J27, J26, J22 Interfacial force in interfacial energy gradient J57, P52 Penetration of liquid metals into porous ceramics J19, M23 Pushing/Engulfment J59, J58, J51, J47, J39, J24, P16 Reviews J29, J28, P55, P49, P18 Shapeforming in space J15, J13, J12 Stabilisation of drops at liquid/gas interface J59 Stabilization of metallic foams P54, P32, P29 Young equation P17 Subjects studied in the field of Electrochemistry Measurement of electrode kinetics and thermodynamics M3 KBF4 P46 Ni+2, Fe+2 Co+2 in chloride melts MW5, P41 Ti(III)/Ti(IV) process J20 Electrochemical synthesis Al/TiB2 in-situ composite M18 Carbon nanotubes and microtubes MW6, J61, P44 Refractory borides MW4, J46, J17, P3, M3 Hafnium borides P27 Niobium borides J35, J31 TiB2 from chloro-fluoride melts J45, J36, P27, M9, M14 TiB2 from cryolite melts J38, J32, P36, P4 Zirconium borides J30, P27, P8 Magnesium diboride MW7 Ti-intermetallides: B1 Calculation of Electrochemical Synthesis Diagrams Principles B4 Al – Gd – B – La systems J62, P37 Ni-Ti-B system P30 Ti – B (– Al) systems J33, P35, P21
Subjects studied in the field of Industrial Applied Research Aluminium industry Aluminium foams J43 Chemical polishing of welding rods J56, M8 Modelling electrolysis cells J54, M5 New materials in Al electrolysis J21, P2 TiB2 cathode for Al-industry J53, P28, P14 Steel industry Boron microalloyed steel P43 Continuous casting J41, M6, M10, M17 Desoxidation by aluminium J42, P25 Modelling the LD- converter MW10, J52, P48 Incineration – environmental studies P45, P40, P39, M7
Appendix 3 Major publications of the LIMOS group, including LIMOS-independent citations (members of LIMOS underlined; citations are numbered as c1, c2, etc) Books’ chapters
B.4. G. Kaptay, E.Berecz: Electrochemical Synthesis from Molten Salts: an Application of Chemical Thermodynamics to the Synthesis of Refractory Compounds - published as Chapter 11 in: “Chemical Thermodynamics - A ‘Chemistry for the 21st Century’ monograph”, edited by Trevor Letcher, published by Blackwell Science, 1999, pp. 135-144. B.4-c1. A.S.Uzdenova: Electrochemical Synthesis of Compounds of Gadolinium, Boron and Aluminium from Halogenide Melts (in Russian) – PhD Thesis, Nalchik, Russia, 2000, 313 pp. B.4-c2. H.B.Kushov, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vindizheva, A.V.Zimin: Study of joint electroreduction of complex gadolinium (or lanthanum) ions with tetrafluoroborate-ions in halide melts – in: “Advances in Molten Salts”, 2000., vol.1., pp. 291-297 (reference No 6) B.4.-c3. H.B.Kushov, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vindizheva, M.L.Balkizova: Study of joint electroreduction of complex gadolinium, lanthanum, and fluroaluminate ions in halide melts – Advances in Molten Salts, 2000., vol.1., pp. 285-290 (reference No 5) B.3. G.Kaptay, E.Báder, L.Bolyán: Study of corrosion by liquid metals based on the measurement of the contact angle in liquid metal/ceramic systems (in Hungarian) – in: Laboratory practices in Physical Chemistry (in Hungarian), ed. by I. Báder, Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó, 1998, pp 16-20. B.2. G.Kaptay.: Physico-chemical equilibria, part 1. Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria in one-component systems (in Hungarian). Manuscript, University of Miskolc, 1998, 102 pp. B.1. Shapoval V.I., Kaptay G., Deviatkin S.V. High-Temperature Electrochemical Synthesis of Intermetallides of Titanium in Molten Salts - published as Chapter 18. of the book: "Electrochemical Technology: Innovation and New Developments", edited by N.Masuko, T.Osaka, and Y.Ito; copublished by Kodanscha Ltd and Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A. in 1996 (pp. 361-378). B1.-c1. F.Lantelme, A.Barhoun, A.M.Zahidi, J.H.von Barner: Titanium, bopron and titanium deposition in alkali fluorochloride melts – Plasmas & Ions, 1999, 2, 133-143 (reference No 5)
Journal papers J.64. M.S.Yaghmaee: Calculation of the quaternary Fe-Al-N-B phase diagram – accepted by ASM, winner of the ASM student research paper prize, 2001. J.63. G.Kaptay, L.Zoltai, E.Báder: A model to predict adhesion energy and contact angle in Si3N4/non-reactive liquid metal systems – accepted for Microcad 2001, 6 pages. J.62. H.B.Kushov, G.Kaptay, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vinidzheva: Electrochemical Synthesis Diagrams for the Al-Gd, La-B, Gd-B, and Al-La systems (in Russian) – accepted for Rasplavi, 2001, No.1. J.61. J.Miklósi, P.Póczik, I.Sytchev, K.Papp, G.Kaptay, P.Nagy, E.Kálmán: Atomic force microscopy investigation of electrochemically produced carbon nanotubes – Appl.Phys., 2001, vol. A72, pp. S189-S192. J.60. Á.Borsik, K.K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: Dynamic simulation of the movement of ceramic particles in front of growing solidification front – Archives of Mechanical Technology and Automatization, 2001, vol.21, pp.19-28. J.59. G.Kaptay: Discussion of a “Microscale Simulation of Settler Processes in Copper Matte Smelting by K.O.Fagerlund, H.Jalkanen, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2000, vol.31B, pp.439-451” – Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2001, vol.32B, pp.555-557 J.58. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criterion of Spontaneous and Forced Engulfment of Reinforcing Particles by an Advancing Solid/Liquid Interface – Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A., vol.32A, 2001, 993-1006. J.57. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: On the force acting on a sphere moving towards a solidification front due to an interfacial energy gradient at the sphere/liquid interface – ISIJ International, 2001., vol.41., pp.305-307. J.56-c1. K.Mukai, Z.Wang, W.Lin: Reply to the Paper named “The force acting on a sphere moving towards a solidification front due to an interfacial energy gradient at the sphere/liquid interface” – ISIJ International, 2001, vol.41., pp.308-310. (reference 2) J.56. Hutkainé Göndör Zs., Gál J, Zambóné Benkő M., Szontagh E., Kaptay Gy.: Chemical polishing of aluminium welding rods (in Hungarian) – Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Tudományok, 2000, vol.28., pp.5-16. J.55. Báder E., Kaptay Gy.: Interfacial energies in tungsten carbide / copper-tin system (in Hungarian) – BKL Kohászat, 2000, 133. évf., 11. szám, 431-435. J.54. L.Tikász: Development and application of a virtual aluminium electrolysis cell (in Hungarian) – BKL-Kohászat, vol.133, (2000) 6-7, pp. 249-256. J.53. S.V.Devyatkin, G.Kaptay: Chemical and Electrochemical Behaviour of Titanium Diboride in Cryolite-Alumina Melt and in Molten Aluminum – Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, vol.154, pp.107-109. J.52. Z.Benkő M., Kaptay Gy.: Materials Balance of LD converters (in Hungarian) – BKL Kohászat, vol.133 (2000) 6-7, pp. 241-248. J.51. G.Kaptay: Further Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” – Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol.31A (2000), 1695 – 1700. J.51-c1. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, A.Catalina, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri: Authors’ Reply to Further Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” - Metall. and Materials Trans., A, volume 31A, 2000, pp. 1700 - 1705 (reference No. 1.) J.50. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay, G.Jánosfy: Equilibria in the liquid ternary Fe-B-N system – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at: http://material.ini.hu), April, 2000. J.49. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay, G.Jánosfy: Equilibria in the Ternary Fe-Al-N System – Materials Science Forum, vols 329-330 (2000) 519-524. J.48. G.Kaptay, E.Báder, L.Bolyán: Interfacial Forces and Energies Relevant to Production of Metal Matrix Composites – Materials Science Forum, vols. 329-330 (2000) 151-156. J.47. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criteria to Avoid Pushing of Particles during Solidification of Metal Matrix Composites – Materials Science Forum, vols 329-330 (2000) 121-126. J.46. G.Kaptay, S.A.Kuznetsov: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts – Review paper – Plasmas & Ions, 2 (1999) 45-56. J.46-c1. H.B.Kushov, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vindizheva, A.V.Zimin: Study of joint electroreduction of complex gadolinium (or lanthanum) ions with tetrafluoroborate-ions in halide melts – Advances in Molten Salts, 2000., vol.1., pp. 291-297 (reference No. 3). J.45. B.Tury, J.I.Sytchev, G.Kaptay: Morphology of titanium diboride obtained by electrochemical synthesis from molten chloro-fluoride melt - High Temperature Material Processes, 1999, vol.3, p.117-126. J.44. Báder E., Bolyán L., Kaptay Gy., Báder I.: Study of interfacial energies from point of view of corrosion in ceramic/liquid metal systems (in Hungarian) – Korróziós Figyelő, 1999, 39. évf., 5. szám, 144-146. J.43. Kelemen K.K., Kaptay Gy., Borsik Á.: Metallic foams – potential structural materials for machine design (in Hungarian) – Gép, 1999., 50. évf, 11. szám, 58-61 J.42. Jánosfy Gy., Kaptay Gy., Szabó Z., Szélig Á.: The role of supersaturation in controlling the Al-content of Al-dezoxidezed Si-poor (LCAK) steels by an oxigen-probe (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 1999., 132. évf., 6-7. szám, 245-249 o. J.42-c1. Bollobás J., Szabó Z.: Modernisation of dezoxidation technology of steels (in Hungarian) – BKL Kohászat, 1999., 132. évf., 6-7. szám, 242-244 o. (reference No. 6). J.41. Báder E., Kaptay Gy.: Role of casting powders during continious casting of steel (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 1999., 132. évf., 6-7. szám, 250-254 o. J.40. G.Kaptay, J.Sytchev: Thermodynamic Properties of Phases and the Electrochemical Synthesis Diagram for the Mo-B System - Ukr. Khim. Zh., 1999, vol.65., No.5., pp.34-41. J.39. Kaptay G.: Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis, by D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, B.K.Dhindaw, A.Catalina, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri, published in Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 1998, vol.29A, pp.1697-1706” - Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 1999, vol. 30A, pp.1887-1890. J.39-c1. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, A.Catalina, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri: Authors’ Reply to Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” - Metall. and Materials Trans., A, volume 30A, 1999, pp. 1890 - 1894 (reference No. 1.) J.39-c2. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, A.Catalina, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri: Authors’ Reply to Further Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” - Metall. and Materials Trans., A, volume 31A, 2000, pp. 1700 - 1705 (reference No. 3.) J.38. S.V Devyatkin, G.Kaptay, J.C.Poignet, J.Bouteillon: Chemical and electrochemical behaviour of titanium oxide and complexes in cryolite-alumina melts - High Temperature Material Processes, 1998, vol.2, N4, p.497-506. J.37. Kaptay Gy., Bolyán L.: Interfacial aspects to produce ceramic reinforced metal matrix composites. Part II.b. Databank for interfacial energies. Materials selection (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 1998. 131. Évfolyam, 9-10 szám, 305-314. J.36. Tury B., Sytchev J., Kaptay Gy.: Elektrokémiai szintézissel előállított TiB2 morfológiai vizsgálata - Gépgyártástechnológia, 1998., 38. évf., 10. szám, 111-114 o. J.36-c1: R.P.Pawlek: Aluminium Wettable Cathodes: An Update – in: Light Metals 2000, Ed. by R.D.Peterson, TMS 2000, pp. 449-454 (ref. No. 13) J.36-c2: Vedernikov G.F.: Inertnie katodi v elektroliziorach dlia proizvodstva aliuminia. Problemi i perspektivi. AO VAMI, Informacionnii listok, No.10, April 2001. (ref.No.13) J.35. Kuznetsov S.A., Kuznetsova S.V., Beliaevskii A.T., Devyatkin S.V., Kaptay G.: Cathodic Processes at Electrochemical Synthesis of Niobium Borides from Chloro-Fluoride Melts (in Russian) - Elektrokhimiia, 34 (5) (1998) 520-527. J.35-c1: S.A.Kuznetsov: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 58) J.34. Kaptay Gy., Bolyán L.: Interfacial aspects to produce ceramic reinforced metal matrix composites. Part II.a. Databank for interfacial energies. Materials selection (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 1998, 131. évf., 5-6. szám, 179-185. J.34-c1. Boross Péter: Behaviour of carbide particles in liquid metal puddles produced by laser beam (in Hungarian) – Student Research Work,, 2000, BAYATI-BME (ref. No.3). J.34-c2. Boross Péter: Surface modifications by laser re-melting (in Hungarian) – MSc Diploma Work, 2001, BME, BAYATI (ref. No. 18.) J.33. Kaptay G., Buzinkay E.: Calculation of Equilibrium Electrochemical Synthesis Diagrams on an Example of the Titanium - Boron System - Molten Salts Forum 5-6 (1998) 359-362. J.33-c1: N.Ene: Electrosynthesis and electrochemistry of TiB2 in molten electrolyte, Roumanian Chemical Quarterly Reviews, 1998, 6(4), 233-245. J.32. Devyatkin S.V., Kaptay G., Poignet J.-C., Bouteillon J.: Electrochemical Synthesis of Titanium Diboride Coatings from Cryolite Melts - Molten Salts Forum 5-6 (1998) 331-334. J.32-c1: S.A.Kuznetsov: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 133) J.32-c2: R.P.Pawlek: Aluminium Wettable Cathodes: An Update – in: Light Metals 2000, Ed. by R.D.Peterson, TMS 2000, pp. 449-454 (ref. No. 17) J.32-c3. Vedernikov G.F.: Inertnie katodi v elektroliziorach dlia proizvodstva aliuminia. Problemi i perspektivi. AO VAMI, Informacionnii listok, No.10, April 2001. (ref.No.53) J.31. Kuznetsov S.A., Kuznetsova S.V., Devyatkin S.V., Kaptay G.: Electrodeposition of Niobium Boride Coatings from Chloro-Fluoride Melts (in Russian) - Zh. Prikladnoi Khimii, 71 (1998) 74-80 J.31-c1: S.A.Kuznetsov: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 39) J.30. Kuznetsov S.A., Glagolevskaya A.L., Belyaevskii A.T., Devyatkin S.V., G.Kaptay: High temperature electrochemical synthesis of powders of Zirconium Diboride from chloro-fluoride melts (in Russian) - Zh. Prikladnoi Khimii, 70 (1997) 1646-49. J.30-c1: S.A.Kuznetsov: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 107) J.29. Kaptay Gy.: Interfacial aspects to produce ceramic reinforced metal matrixcomposites. Part I..b Derivation of interfacial criteria (in Hungarian) - BKL, Kohászat, 130 (1997) No 8-9, 311-314 J.28. Kaptay Gy.: Interfacial aspects to produce ceramic reinforced metal matrixcomposites. Part I.a. Derivation of interfacial criteria (in Hungarian) - BKL, Kohászat, 130 (1997) No 5-6, 201-208 J.28-c1. Csepeli Zsolt: Structure of Al/W fibre directionally solidified composites (in Hungarian) – PhD Thesis, University of Miskolc, 1997 (ref. No. 3). J.28-c2. Csepeli Zs., Sólyom B., Gácsi Z., Buza G., Teleszky I., Kovács Á.: Possibilities to produce metal matrix composites (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 131 (1998) 41-47 (ref. No. 8). J.28-c3. Boross Péter: Behaviour of carbide particles in liquid metal puddles produced by laser beam (in Hungarian) – Student Research Work,, 2000, BAYATI-BME (ref. No.2). J.28-c5. Boross Péter: Surface modifications by laser re-melting (in Hungarian) – MSc Diploma Work, 2001, BME, BAYATI (ref. No. 8.) J.27. G.Kaptay, A.Lovas, F.Szigeti, P.Bárczy, L.Bolyán: Correlation between the abrasive ability of ceramic reinforced amorphous metal matrix composites and the adhesion energy between the amorphous matrix and the ceramic particles - Materials Science and Engineering A226-228 (1997) 1083-1088 J.26. Kaptay G., Bárczy P., Szigeti F., Lovas A., Gácsi Z., Bolyán L.: Interface Phenomena in Processing of Ceramic Reinforced Amorphous Metal Composites. - J. of Non-crystalline Solids 205-207 (1996) 742-747. J.26-c1. Szigeti F., Bárczy P.: Amorf fémátrixú kompozitanyagok gyártása és tulajdonságainak vizsgálata - BKL Kohászat, 130. évf., 1997, 2-3., 89-96 o. (ref. no.4) J.25. G. Kaptay: Method for Estimating Solid-Solid Interface Energies in Metal-Ceramic Systems. The Aluminium-Silicon Carbide System - Materials Science Forum Vols. 215-216 (1996) 475-484. J.25-c1. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, A.Catalina, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri: Authors’ Reply to Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” - Metall. and Materials Trans., A, volume 30A, 1999, pp. 1890 - 1894 (reference No. 12.) J.25-c2. J.A.Vreeling, V.Ocelik, Y.T.Pei, D.T.L.van Agterveld, J.T.M. de Hosson: Laser Melt Injection in Aluminum Alloys: on the Role of the Oxide Skin – Acta mater. 48 (2000) 4225- 4233 (ref.No.14). J.24. G. Kaptay: Interfacial Phenomena during Melt Processing of Ceramic Particle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Part II. Interfacial Force between a Spherical Particle and an Approching Solid/Liquid Interface - Materials Science Forum Vols. 215-216 (1996) 467-474. J.24-c1. F.R.Juretzko, D.M.Stefanescu, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen: Interfacial energy D g - Theoretical and experimental evaluation for metal-ceramic systems – in: “Processing, Properties and Applications of Cast Metal Matrix Composites, ed. by P.K.Rohatgi, TMS, 1996, pp. 21-31 (ref. No.10) J.24-c2. S.Sen, B.K.Dhindaw, D.M.Stefanescu, A.Catalina, P.A.Curreri: Melt convection effects on the critical velocity of particle engulfment - Journal of Crystal Growth, 173 (1997) 574-584 (ref. No 17 “G.Kaptay: Private communication” - this paper was meant, but came out later) J.24-c3. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, B.K.Dhindaw, A.Catalina, S.Sen and P.A.Curreri: Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Pasrt II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis - Met. and Mat. Trans. A, volume 29A, June 1998, pp. 1697-1706 (ref.29) J.24-c4. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, A.Catalina, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri: Authors’ Reply to Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” - Metall. and Materials Trans., A, volume 30A, 1999, pp. 1890 - 1894 (reference No. 4.) J.24-c5. D.M.Stefanescu, F.R.Juretzko, A.Catalina, B.K.Dhindaw, S.Sen, P.A.Curreri: Authors’ Reply to Further Discussion of “Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” - Metall. and Materials Trans., A, volume 31A, 2000, pp. 1700 - 1705 (reference No. 14.) J.23. G. Kaptay: Interfacial Phenomena during Melt Processing of Ceramic Particle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Part I. Introduction (incorporation) of solid particles into melts - Materials Science Forum Vols. 215-216 (1996) 459-466. J.23-c1. J.A.Vreeling, V.Ocelik, Y.T.Pei, D.T.L.van Agterveld, J.T.M. de Hosson: Laser Melt Injection in Aluminum Alloys: on the Role of the Oxide Skin – Acta mater. 48 (2000) 4225-33 (ref.No.13). J.22. Bárczy P., Kaptay Gy., Gácsi Z., Lovas A., Szigeti F. Incorporation of ceramic particles into rapidly solidifying liquid metals (in Hungarian) - Publ. Univ. of Miskolc, Series B. Metallurgy vol 39 (1995), pp. 279-290. J.22-c1. Szigeti F., Bárczy P., Szűcs J.: Wear properties of amorphous matrix composites - Proc. of 6th Tribological Conference ed. by M.Kozma, 1996, pp. 253-258. (reference No 2). J.22-c2. Szigeti F., Bárczy P.: Amorf fémátrixú kompozitanyagok gyártása és tulajdonságainak vizsgálata - BKL Kohászat, 130. évf., 1997, 2-3., 89-96 o. (ref. no.3) J.21. Akhmedov S.N., Kaptay G., Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Gorlanov E.S., Karimov M.I., Vetyukov M.M. Chemical and electrochemical behaviour of some 'new materials' in molten salts to be used for aluminium electrolysis - Molten Salt Forum vol. 1-2 (1993/94) pp. 231-232. J.20. Deviatkin S.V., Kaptay G. Influence of nature of the alkali metal cation on Ti(III) - e = Ti(IV) electrochemical process in chloride melts - Molten Salt Forum vol. 1-2 (1993/94) pp. 129-138. J.20-c1. A.Salmi, Y.Berghoute, F.Lantelme: Modelling Multistep Electrochemical Reactions in Molten Salts Electrowinning of Refractory Metals - Electrochimica Acta, 1995, vol.40., No.4., pp.403-411 (reference No 20) J.20-c2. F.Lantelme, A.Salmi: Electrochemistry of Titanium in NaCl-KCl Mixtures and Influence of Dissolved Fluoride Ions - J.Electrochem. Soc., vol. 142, No.10., 1995, pp. 3451-3456 (ref 16) J.20-c3. F.Lantelme, K.Kuroda, A.Barhoun: Electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of titanium chloride solutions in various alkali chloride mixtures. Electrochimica Acta, 44 (1998) 421-431 (reference No 36) J.20-c4. F.Lantelme, A.Barhoun, K.Kuroda: Role of the oxoacidity and Ligand Effect in the Electrowinning of Titanium in Fused Salts - in Refractory Metals in Molten Salts (Their Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Technology), ed. by D.H.Kerridgeand E.G.Polyakov – Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.3/53, 1998, pp. 157-172 (ref. No 14). J.19. Kaptay G., Stefanescu D.M. Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Oxygen on the Penetration Factor in the Iron/Silica System - AFS Transactions, 1992, v. 213, pp. 707 - 712. J.19-c1. H.Nakae, Y.Matsuda: Influence of Atmospheric Oxygen on Burn-on of Iron Castings – J. Japan Foundry Eng.Soc., 1999, vol. 71., 28-33 (reference No 9.) J.19-c2. H.Nakae, Y.Matsuda: Influence of Chemical Composition of Sands on Burn-on of Iron Castings – J.Japan Foundry Eng. Soc., 2000, vol.72., pp. 102-106 (ref. No. 12) J.18. Gudimenko A.M., Kaptay G., Makogon V.F. Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties of Tetrachloroaluminates of Lithium, Rubidium and Caesium (in Russian) - Ukrainian Khim. Zh., 1992, v.58., N.4., pp. 300-305 J.17. Kaptay Gy., Deviatkin S.V., Berecz E., Shapoval V.I. Synthesis of transition metal borides on metals from molten salts (in Hungarian) - Gépgyártástechnológia, 1991. XXXI. évf., 10. sz., 445-446 J.16. Kaptay G. : Estimation of excess thermodynamic functions of aluminum monochloride dissolved in alkali chloride melts - Materials Science Forum Vol. 73-75 (1991), pp. 101-108 J.15. Roósz A., Kaptay G., Máté I., Teleszky I., Sólyom J., Regel L.L., Turchaninov A.M. The Ground-based Experiments of Shell Technology - Microgravity sci. technol. 1991., v.IV., issue 4., pp. 245-253 J.15-c1. Bárczy P., Sólyom J.: Horizontal Bridgman Growth of Al-Al3Ni(Cu) off-Eutectics – Materials Science Forum, 1991, v.77, 113-124. (reference No 9) J.15-c2. Roósz A., Gácsi Z., Czél Gy., Szemmelweisz T., Magyari B., Regel L.L., Turchaninov A.M.: Temperature Distribution in the KRISTALLIZATOR (CSSZK-1) Space Furnace – Microgravity science technology, 1992., v.V., issue 2., pp.103-108. (reference No 1) J.15-c3. Bárczy P.: Microgravity research at the University of Miskolc (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 1999., 132. évf., 6-7. szám, 269-274 o. (reference No. 4) J.15-c.4. P.Bárczy: Universal Multi-Zone Crystallizator, the ISS Oriented Hungarian Apparatus – Materials Science Forum, 329-330 (2000) 219-228 (reference No 4) J.15-c5. Bárczy P., Babcsán N., Szőke J., Bárczy T.: The space furnace designed in Miskolc (in Hungarian), BKL Kohászat, 2000., 133. évf., 6-7. szám, 263-268.o. (reference 4.). J.15-c6. P.Bárczy: Universal multizone crystallizator (UMC) – novel challenges and results – Vacuum, 61 (2001) 419-425 (reference No. 4) J.14. Kaptay G., Berecz E. Determination of the excess thermodynamic functions of components of binary salt melts in infinitely diluted solution on the basis of the the ideal associated solution model. - Chemical Papers, 1991., v.45., N.2., pp.145-158 J.14-c1. Török B.: Software to calculate thermodynamic properties of pig iron slags using the associated solution model (in Hungarian) - in: Proceedings of microCAD '97 International Computer Science Conference, Section B: Metallurgy, 1997. pp. 89-93 (ref. No.1.) J.14-c2. Török Béla: The effect of TiO2 on the metallurgical properties of blast furnace slags, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Miskolc, 1998., 113 o. (ref. No. 60) J.13. Kaptay G. A theory of shapeforming processes by solidification under microgravity conditions. Part I. Basic Principles. Planar liquid/solid interface - Materials Science Forum Vol.77 (1991) 125-146 J.12. Kaptay G., Lámer G. A theory of shapeforming processes by solidification under microgravity conditions. Part II. Melts covered by a deformable film. Solidification of Al-alloys - Materials Science Forum Vol.77 (1991) pp.147-158 J.11. Kaptay G. On surface properties of molten aluminum alloys of oxidized surface - Materials Science Forum Vol.77 (1991) pp.315-330 J.11-c1. D.A.Weirauch, W.M.Balaba, A.J.Perrotta: Kinetics of the reactive spreading of molten aluminum on ceramic surfaces - J.Mater.Res., vol. 10., No.3., 1995, 640-650 (reference No 10). J.11-c2. Csepeli Zsolt: Structure of Al/W fibre directionally solidified composites (in Hungarian) – PhD Thesis, University of Miskolc, 1997 (ref. No. 4). J.11-c3. Csepeli Zs., Sólyom B., Gácsi Z., Buza G., Teleszky I., Kovács Á.: Possibilities to produce metal matrix composites reinforced with particles and fibres (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 131 (1998) 41-47 (ref. No. 9). J.11-c4. J.A.Vreeling, V.Ocelik, Y.T.Pei, D.T.L.van Agterveld, J.T.M. de Hosson: Laser Melt Injection in Aluminum Alloys: on the Role of the Oxide Skin – Acta mater. 48 (2000) 4225- 4233 (ref.No.10). J.11-c5. S.J.Roach, H.Henein, D.C.Owens: A New Techniques to Measure Dynamically the Surface Tension, Viscosity and Density of Molten Metals – Light Metals 2001, ed. by J.L.Aujier, TMS, Warrendale, 2001, pp.1285-1291 (ref. No.4) J.10. Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Vetyukov M.M., Karimov M.I., Kaptay G., Shkuryakov N.P. Study of wetting of refractory compounds and composites by cryolite/alumina melt and molten aluminum (in Russian) - Tsvetn. Met. (Moscow), 199I, (2), 4I-3. J10-c1. R.P.Pawlek: Recent developments of aluminium wettable cathodes for the primary aluminium industry, part II. – ALUMINIUM, 72. Jarhgang, 1996 – ½, pp. 35-41 (ref. No.54) J.10-c2. Vedernikov G.F.: Inertnie katodi v elektroliziorach dlia proizvodstva aliuminia. Problemi i perspektivi. AO VAMI, Informacionnii listok, No.10, April 2001. (ref.No.54) J.9. Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Akhmedov S.N., Kaptay G., Vetyukov M.M., Dzambo P., Ratner A.Kh. Stability of metal-like refractory compounds in chloride melts (in Russian) - Tsvetn. Met. (Moscow), 1990, (6), 60-3 J9-c1. S.N.Akhmedov, Yu.V.Borisoglebskii, M.M.Vetyukov, I.V.Zalite, P.Dzambo, T.V.Dubovik: Corrosion Durability of Metal-like Refractory Compounds in Chloro-aluminate Melts (in Russian) - Cvetniie Metalli, 1991, No.4., 24-26 (ref. No. 2) J.8. Kaptay G. Chemical Reactions in Chloro-Aluminate Melts (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 123., 1990., 2. szám, 88-91. J.7. Kaptay G., Borisoglebskii Yu.V. Evaluation of limiting activity coefficients of aluminum subchloride in chloro-aluminate melts (in Russian) - Rasplavy, 1990, (1), 42-7 J.6. Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Kaptay G., Vetyukov M.M., Gorlanov E.S. Solubility of aluminum in chloro-aluminate melts (in Russian) - Tsvetn. Met (Moscow), 1989, (12), 53-6 J.5. Kaptay G., Akhmedov S.N., Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Zalite I. Thermodynamic properties of metal-like refractory compounds and their intermetallides with aluminum (in Russian) - Latv. PSR Zinat. Akad. Vestis, Kim. Ser. 1989, (2), 174-81 J5-c1. G.Balducci, A.Ciccioli, G.Gigli, D.Gozzi, U.Anselmi-Tamburini: Thermodynamic Study of Intermetallic Phases in the Hf-Al System – J. of Alloys and Compounds, 1995, vol.220., pp.117-121 (ref. No 13). J.4. Ratner A.Kh., Kaptay G. Evaluation of thermodynamic properties of molten aluminum trifluoride (in Russian) - Trudi VAMI, 1988, 103-6 J.3. Kaptay G., Akhmedov S.N., Borisoglebskii Yu.V. Thermodynamic evaluation of the reactions of metal-like refractory compounds with molten aluminum (in Russian) - Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Tsvetn. Metall. 1988, (6), 70-7. J.3-c1. Karimov M.I.: Development of refractory composite materials for cathodic materials to be used in Aluminum electrolysis cells (in Russian). PhD Thesis, Leningrad, 1989, 274 p. (reference No 171) J.3-c2. S.N.Akhmedov, Yu.V.Borisoglebskii, M.M.Vetyukov, I.V.Zalite, P.Dzambo, T.V.Dubovik: Corrosion Durability of Metal-like Refractory Compounds in Chloro-aluminate Melts (in Russian) - Cvetniie Metalli, 1991, No.4., 24-26 (ref. No. 1) J3-c3. Csepeli Zs., Sólyom B., Gácsi Z., Buza G., Teleszky I., Kovács Á.: Possibilities to produce metal matrix composites reinforced with particles and fibres (in Hungarian) - BKL Kohászat, 131 (1998) 41-47 (ref. No. 10). J3-c4. R.P.Pawlek: Recent developments of aluminium wettable cathodes for the primary aluminium industry, part II. – ALUMINIUM, 72. Jarhgang, 1996 – ½, pp. 35-41 (ref. No.53) J.3-c5. Vedernikov G.F.: Inertnie katodi v elektroliziorach dlia proizvodstva aliuminia. Problemi i perspektivi. AO VAMI, Informacionnii listok, No.10, April 2001. (ref.No.53) J.2. Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Kaptay G., Vetyukov M.M., Boborin S.V. Durability of composite electrodes to be used in electrolythic deposition of aluminum from chloroaluminate melts (in Russian) - Tsvetn. Met. (Moscow), 1988, (10), 72-5 J.1. Kaptay G., Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Vetyukov M.M. Equilibrium in the system molten aluminum/chloroaluminate melt (in Russian) - Tsvetn. Met. (Moscow) 1988, (2), 40-1
Conference proceedings P.56. G.Kaptay: Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Titanium Dichloride – submitted to Proc. of MS6 to be held in Sahnghai, October 2001, 4 pp. P.55. G.Kaptay G.Kaptay: Interfacial aspects to produce particulate reinforced metal matrix composites- submitted on 18th July, 2001 to Proc. on “Affordable Composite Materials”, to be held by TMS, in 2001 November. 28 pages. P.54. G.Kaptay: A generalised stability diagram of production of metallic foams by the melt route – accepted to the Proc. of Metfoam 2001, to be published by MIT Publishing, Bremen P.53. E.Báder, L.Zoltai, M.Hördler, P.Arató, R.F.Singer, G.Kaptay: Wettability of Silicon Nitride Based Ceramics by Liquid Metals – Proc. of 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity HTC-2000, Kurashiki, Japan, 19-22 November, 2000. Accepted for 2001. P.52. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: An interfacial force acting on a spherical particle in the interfacial energy gradient – Proc. of 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity HTC-2000, Kurashiki, Japan, 19-22 November, 2000. Accepted for 2001 P.51. G.Kaptay, E.Báder: Ion-dipole adhesion energy model for wettability of oxide ceramics by non-reactive liquid metals – Proc. of 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity HTC-2000, Kurashiki, Japan, 19-22 November, 2000. Accepted for 2001. P.50. G.Kaptay: A model for the solid-liquid interfacial energies of pure metals – Proc. of 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity HTC-2000, Kurashiki, Japan, 19-22 November, 2000. Accepted for 2001 P.49. Kaptay Gy.: Role of interfacial phenomena in producing metallic materials (in Hungarian) – EMT Bányászat, Kohászat, Földtan konferencia kiadványa, Csíksomlyó, EMT, 2001., 51-56 o. P.48. M.Z.Benko, G.Kaptay: Thermal Balance of LD converters – Proc. of Microcad ‘2000, Section C.: High Temperature Devices, University of Miskolc, pp.13-18. P.47. Magyar Anita, Gácsi Zoltán, Kaptay György, Szalai Ibolya: Development of hybride structures (in Hungarian) - Proc. of Microcad ’2000, Section B: Materials Technology, University of Miskolc, pp. 121-126. P.46. J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay, H.Kushov: Investigation of the reduction process of tetrafloroborate ions at different electrodes in chloro-fluoride melts – Progress in Molten Salt Chemistry, vol.1. (Proc. of EUCHEM 2000), 2000, Elsevier, Paris, pp. 523-528. P.45. R. Román, G. Kaptay, J. Lakatos, H. Verelst, F. Rivet, A. Buekens: Development of a chemical treatment method by molten salts for removing zinc from fly ash - Progress in Molten Salt Chemistry, vol.1. (Proc. of EUCHEM 2000), 2000, Elsevier, Paris, pp. 455-460. P.44. G.Kaptay, I.Sytchev, J.Miklósi, P.Póczik, K.Papp, P.Nagy, E.Kálmán: Electrochemical synthesis of carbon nanotubes and microtubes from molten salts – Progress in Molten Salt Chemistry, vol.1. (Proc. of EUCHEM 2000), 2000, Elsevier, Paris, pp. 257-262. P.43. G.Jánosfy, G.Károly, G.Kaptay, M.S.Yaghmaee, V.Beszterczey: Quality Assurance Problems in the Production of Boron Microalloyed Case-hardening Steel Grades – EOSC ’00, 3rd European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference, 30 October – 1 November 2000, ICC, Birmingham, UK. pp. 493-503. P.42. A.Borsik, K.K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: Simulation of the movement of ceramic particles in liquid metals in front of solidification fronts – Proc. of Microcad, 2000 Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 9-14. P.41. J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay, H.Kushkov: Voltammetric investigation of the reduction processes of nickel and iron divalent ions in chloro-fluoride melts – Proc. of Microcad 2000, Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 69-68. P.40. R.Roman, G.Kaptay, A.Mihalik, H.Verelst, F.Rivet, A.Buekens: Removal of Heavy Metals from fly ash with molten chlorides. Part II.: Experimental verification – Proc. of Microcad 2000, Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 63-68. P.39. R.Roman, G.Kaptay, A.Mihalik, H.Verelst, F.Rivet, A.Buekens: Removal of Heavy Metals from fly ash with molten chlorides. Part I.: Theoretical Analysis and Thermogravimetry experiments – Proc. of Microcad 2000., Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 57-62. P.38. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: On the Drag Force Acting on Ceramic Particles during Processing of Cast MMCs – in: “State of the Art in Cast MMCs”, ed. by P.K.Rohatgi, TMS, 2000, pp.45-60. P.37. G.Kaptay, H.B.Kushkov, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vindizheva: Electrochemical Synthesis Diagrams of the La-Gd, Gd-Al, La-B, Gd-B systems – Vestnik KBSU, Seriya chem.nauk, vip.3., Nalchik, 1999, pp.56-60. P.37-c1. H.B.Kushov, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vindizheva, M.L.Balkizova: Study of joint electroreduction of complex gadolinium, lanthanum, and fluroaluminate ions in halide melts – Advances in Molten Salts, 2000., vol.1., pp. 285-290. (reference No.3) P.37-c2. H.B.Kushov, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vindizheva, A.V.Zimin: Study of joint electroreduction of complex gadolinium (or lanthanum) ions with tetrafluoroborate-ions in halide melts – Advances in Molten Salts, 2000., vol.1., pp. 291-297 (reference No. 4). P.36. S.V Devyatkin, G.Kaptay, J.C.Poignet, J.Bouteillon: Chemical and electrochemical behaviour of titanium oxide and complexes in cryolite-alumina melts - in: “Advances in Molten Salts – From Structural Aspects to Waste Processing”, ed. by M.Gaune-Escard, begell house inc., New-York, 1999, pp.178-187. P.35. G.Kaptay: Control of Phases to be Synthesised by Electrochemical Synthesis from Molten Salts: the ternary EES diagram for the Ti-Al-B system – in: “Advances in Molten Salts – From Structural Aspects to Waste Processing”, ed. by M.Gaune-Escard, begell house inc., New-York, 1999, pp.249-259. P.34. Török B., Tóth L.A., Kaptay Gy.: Application of the associated solution model for blast furnace slags – Proceedings of MICROCAD ’99, Section B: Metallurgy, Energetics, 1999, pp.75-81. P.33. R.Gemela, K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: Dynamics of vapour-to-liquid transfer of SiC particles into Fe40Ni40Si6B14 liquid matrix of amorphous metal matrix composites – Proceedings of MICROCAD ’99, Section C: Materials Science and Technology, 1999, pp. 187-192 P.33-c1. Boross Péter: Surface modifications by laser remelting (in Hungarian) – MSc Diploma Work, 2001, BME, BAYATI (ref. No. 10.) P.32. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Theory of Producing Particle Stabilised Metallic Foams – Proceedings of MICROCAD ’99, Section C: Materials Science and Technology, 1999, pp. 79-84 P.31. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: Calculation of Tie-Lines between Solid and Liquid Phases mainly in Al-rich corner of the Ternary AlMgZn System Based on Thermodynamic Properties of Phases in Equilibrium – Proceedings of MICROCAD ’99, Section C: Materials Science and Technology, 1999, pp. 165-168 P.30. B.Tury, G.Kaptay, J.Sychev: The Calculation of Equilibrium Electrochemical Synthesis Diagrams for Ni-Ti-B system – Proceedings of MICROCAD ’99, Section C: Materials Science and Technology, 1999, pp. 159-164 P.29. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criteria for ceramic particle stabilised metallic foams – in: Metal Foams and Porous Metal Structures, ed. by J.Banhart, M.F.Ashby, N.A.Fleck, MIT Verlag, Bremen, 1999, pp. 141-145. P.29-c1. J.Banhart: Manufacturing Routes for Metallic Foams. JOM, December 2000, pp. 22-27 (Ref.25). P.28. G.Kaptay, S.V.Devyatkin: Titanium Diboride Coating Preparation in situ in the Cell by Electrochemical Synthesis – Proc. Of 10th Slovakian-Norvegian Symposium on Aluminium Smelting Technology, Stara Lesna – Ziar nad Hronom, Slovakia, 21-23 September, 1999, pp. 80-84. P.27. S.V.Devyatkin, G.Kaptay, V.I.Shapoval, I.V.Zarutskii, V.P.Lugovoi, S.A.Kuznetsov: Deposition of Titanium, Zirconium and Hafnium Diboride Coatings by High-Temperature Electrochemical Synthesis from Chloro-Fluoride Melts - in Refractory Metals in Molten Salts, ed. by D.H.Kerridge and E.G.Polyakov, Kluwe Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1998, pp. 73-80. P.27-c1: S.A.Kuznetsov: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts (in Russian) – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 71) P.26. Bolyán László, Kaptay György: Wettability of some ceramics by liquid metals for the optimization of producing MMCs (in Hungarian) - Miskolci Egyetem Doktoranduszi Fórum (1997. nov.16). Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, 1998. Miskolc, 18 - 26 o. P.25. Jánosfy Gy., Kaptay Gy.: Determination of the aluminium content of liquid steel by an electrochemical cell - XIII. Országos Nyersvas- és Acélgyártó konferencia kiadványa, II. kötet, 235-243 o., Dunaferr, 1998. P.24. R.Román, E.Báder, G.Kaptay: Penetration of Molten Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride into Porous Oxide Ceramics and Pressed Fly-Ash Substrates - Proc. of MICROCAD ‘98 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science and Technologies, Miskolci Egyetem, 1998, pp. 115-116 P.23. P.Barkóczy, G.Kaptay: On the Interfacial Force Acting during Liquid Phase Sintering - Proc. of MICROCAD ‘98 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science and Technologies, Miskolci Egyetem, 1998, pp. 113-114 P.22. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: Calculation of Mg-Cu Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagram - Proc. of MICROCAD ‘98 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science and Technologies, Miskolci Egyetem, 1998, pp. 111-112 P.21. G.Kaptay: Calculation of Equilibrium Electrochemical Synthesis Diagram fopr the Ti+4-B+3 System on the Reactive Carbon Cathode - Proc. of MICROCAD ‘98 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science and Technologies, Miskolci Egyetem, 1998, pp. 109-110 P.20. L.Bolyán, E.Báder, G.Kaptay: Wettability of Aluminium Oxide and Silicon Oxide Ceramics by Liquid Metals - Proc. of MICROCAD ‘98 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science and Technologies, Miskolci Egyetem, 1998, pp. 105-106 P.19. G.Kaptay: Activity of the Working Group on Liquid Metals and Molten Salts (LIMOS Group) at the Interface of Materials and Computer Sciences in 1997 - Proc. of MICROCAD ‘98 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science and Technologies, Miskolci Egyetem, 1998, pp. 101-104 P.18. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criteria for Producing Ceramic Reinforced Metal-Matrix Composites - Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. High Temperature Capillarity HTC 97 held in Cracow, 29 June - 2 July 1997, ed. by N.Eustathopoulos and N.Sobczak, published in 1998 by Foundry Research Institute, Cracow, Poland. pp. 388-393 P.17. Kaptay Gy.: Derivation of the Young equation without vectors, based on an energetic principle (in Hungarian) - Termodinamikai Közlemények 1996. Szerkesztette Lámer Géza, ELFT, Budapest, 1997, 90-99. P.16. G.Kaptay: On the Interfacial Force between Ceramic Particles and Moving Solid-Liquid Interface during Solidification of Metal Matrix Composites - Proc. of the EUROMAT 97 Conference held in Maastricht, Holland, 21-23 April 1997, published in volume 1. "Metals and Composites", pp. 435-438. P.16-c1. J.Braszczynski, A.Zyska: Analysis of the influence of ceramic particles on the solidification process of metal matrix composites – Materials Science and Engineering A278 (2000) 195-203. P.15. L.Bolyán, G.Kaptay, S.V.Devyatkin: Wettability of Graphite by Cryolite Melt with Different Oxide Additions - Proc. of 8th Int. Congress of ICSOBA, Milan, Italy, 16-18 1997, published in TRAVAUX, vol. 24., 1997 (No 28) pp. 510-519 P.14. G.Kaptay, S.V.Devyatkin: On Possibility of Preparation of Titanium Diboride Cathode Coating in situ in the Aluminum Electrolysis Cell by Electrochemical Synthesis - Proc. of 8th Int. Congress of ICSOBA, Milan, Italy, 16-18 1997, published in TRAVAUX (ICSOBA), vol. 24., 1997 (No 28) pp. 135-144 P.14-c1. R.P.Pawlek: Aluminium Wettable Cathodes: An Update – in: Light Metals 2000, Ed. by R.D.Peterson, TMS 2000, pp. 449-454 (ref. No. 15) P.14-c2. Vedernikov G.F.: Inertnie katodi v elektroliziorach dlia proizvodstva aliuminia. Problemi i perspektivi. AO VAMI, Informacionnii listok, No.10, April 2001. (ref.No.15) P.13. Gy. Jánosfy, Gy. Kaptay.: Theoretical Method to Determine the Deoxidation Constant of Al for Fe-Al-O System - in: Proceedings of microCAD '97 International Computer Science Conference, Section B: Metallurgy, 1997. pp. 107-110. P.12. Bolyán L., Buzinkay E., Kaptay Gy.: Software and databank for interfacial properties of liquid metals / ceramic systems (in Hungarian) - in: Proceedings of microCAD '97 International Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science, Miskolc, 1997. pp. 117-118. P.11. M.S.Yaghmaee, Kaptay Gy.: Calculation of Binary Eutectic Phase Diagrams on the Example of the Pb-Sn system - in: Proceedings of microCAD '97 International Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science, Miskolc, 1997. pp. 97-98. P.10. Kaptay Gy.: Activity of the LIMOS R&D Group at the interface of materials and computer sciences (in Hungarian) - in: Proceedings of microCAD '97 International Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science, Miskolc, 1997. pp. 39-42. P.9. S.V.Deviatkin, K.I.Arsenin, G.Kaptay: High Temperature Interaction of Boron Oxide with Aluminum Fluoride - in Proc of the 10th International Symposium on Molten Salts, edited by R.T.Carlin, S.Deki, M.Matsunaga, D.S.Newman, J.R.Selman, G.R.Stafford, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, volume 96-7, 1996, pp. 312-319. P.9-c1. A.S.Uzdenova: Electrochemical synthes of compounds of gadolinium, boron and aluminium from halogenide melts – PhD Thesis, Nalchik, Russia, 2000, 133 pp. P.8. V.P.Lugovoi, S.V.Deviatkin, G.Kaptay, S.A.Kuznetsov: High Temperature Electrochemical Synthesis of Zirconium Diboride from Chloro-Fluoride Melts - in Proc of the 10th International Symposium on Molten Salts, edited by R.T.Carlin, S.Deki, M.Matsunaga, D.S.Newman, J.R.Selman, G.R.Stafford, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, volume 96-7, 1996, pp. 303-311. P.8-c1: S.A.Kuznetsov: Elektrokhimicheskii sintez visokotemperaturnich boridov iz solevich rasplavov – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 69) P.7. L. Bolyán, E. Buzinkay, G. Kaptay : Software and databank to calculate physical propertiesof liquid metals as function of temperature (in Hungarian) - in: Proceedings of microCAD '96 International Computer Science Conference, Section C: Materials Science, Miskolc, 1996. pp. 53-54. P.6. L. Bolyán, G. Kaptay : Expert system for calculating surface tension of pure liquid metals – (in Hungarian) - in: Proceedings of microCAD '95 Int. Computer Science Conference, Section C: Material Science, Miskolc, 1995., pp.147-152. P.5. Kaptay Gy.: Associated models used to describe thermodynamic properties of liquid metallic and molten salt solutions (in Hungarian) - in : "Termodinamikai Előadások", szerk. Lámer G., ELFT, Budapest, 1994., pp.48-53. P.4. S.V.Deviatkin, G.Kaptay, E.Berecz : High-temperature electrochemical synthesis of TiB2 from cryolite-alumina melts containing oxides of Boron and Titanium. In Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Molten Salts, edited by C.L.Hussey, D.S.Newman, G.Mamantov, Y.Ito. Proc. volume 94-13 of the Electrochemical Society Inc, pp. 548-557. P.4-c1: L.P.Polyakova, E.G.Polyakov, N.J.Bjerrum: The study of electrode processes in LiF-NaF- KF-K2TaF7-KBF4 melt – Plasmas and Ions, 1999, 2, 117-125 (reference No 15) P.4/2: S.A.Kuznetsov: Elektrokhimicheskii sintez visokotemperaturnich boridov iz solevich rasplavov – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 132) P.4-c3. R.P.Pawlek: Aluminium Wettable Cathodes: An Update – in: Light Metals 2000, Ed. by R.D.Peterson, TMS 2000, pp. 449-454 (ref. No. 14) P.4-c4. Vedernikov G.F.: Inertnie katodi v elektroliziorach dlia proizvodstva aliuminia. Problemi i perspektivi. AO VAMI, Informacionnii listok, No.10, April 2001. (ref.No.53) P.3. S.V.Deviatkin, G.Kaptay, V.I.Shapoval, E.Berecz Electrochemical synthesis of transition metal diborides from molten salts - in : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, 1993, Ed. by M-L. Saboungi and H. Kojima, Proc. vol. 93-9 of the Electrochemical Society Inc., pp. 584-599. P.3-c1. S.A.Kuznetsov, A.L.Glagolevskaya, A.T.Belyaevskii: Electrodeposition of Tantalum Boride Coatings in Salt Melts - Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol.67, No7., Part1, 1994, pp. 967-973 (reference No 10). P.3-c2. L.P.Polyakova, G.A.Bukatova, E.G.Polyakov, E.Kristensen, I.Barner, N.Bierrum: Katodnie processi pro vosstanovlenii bora vo ftoridnom rasplave - Elektrokhimiia, 1995, tom 31, No 12, 1348-1353. P.3-c3. L.P.Polyakova, G.A.Bukatova, E.G.Polyakov, E.Christensen, J.H. von Barner, N.J.Bjerrum: Electrochemical Behaviour of Boron in LiF-NaF-KF Melts - J. Electrochem. Soc., vol 143, No 10., 1996, pp. 3178-3186 (reference No 19). P.3-c4. E.Polyakov, O.Makarova, L.Polyakova, A.Shevyryov, E.Christensen, N.J.Bjerrum: Electrodeposition of Tantalum Boride Coatings from Oxo-fluoride Melts - Molten Salt Forum, vols 5-6, 1998, 375-378 P.3-c5: L.P.Polyakova, E.G.Polyakov, G.A.Bukatova, A.A.Shevyryov, A.V.Makarova. N.J.Bjerrum: Study of Electrode Processes in FLINAK-K2TaF7-KBF4 melt - in Refractory Metals in Molten Salts (Their Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Technology), ed. by D.H.Kerridgeand E.G.Polyakov - Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.3/53, 1998, pp. 103-108. P.3-c6: N.Ene: Electrosynthesis and electrochemistry of TiB2 in molten electrolyte, Roumanian Chemical Quarterly Reviews, 1998, 6(4), 233-245. P.3-c7: L.P.Polyakova, E.G.Polyakov, N.J.Bjerrum: The study of electrode processes in LiF-NaF- KF-K2TaF7-KBF4 melt – Plasmas and Ions, 1999, 2, 117-125 (reference No 21) P.3-c8: S.A.Kuznetsov: Elektrokhimicheskii sintez visokotemperaturnich boridov iz solevich rasplavov – Elektrokhimiia, 1999, t.35., No.11., 1301-1317 (reference No. 55) P.2. Kaptay Gy., Akhmedov S.N., Borisoglebskii Yu.V., Deviatkin S.V., Berecz E. New Materials in Aluminium Electrolysis (in Hungarian) - In: "A Kohómérnöki Kar kutatási eredményei", Miskolci Egyetem, Miskolc, 1992. junius 25. pp. 101 - 109. P.1. Borisoglebskiy Yu.V., Akhmedov S.N., Kaptay G., Vetyukov M.M. Corrosion of metal-like refractory materials in chloroaluminate melts and molten aluminum. In: "Proc. of EUROCORR'91", ed. by I.Karl and M.Bod, vol.I., pp.313-318.
Manuscripts Thesis on habilitation: M.1. G.Kaptay: Interfacial energies and phenomena in metallurgical and materials technologies, (August, 1998) PhD Thesis: M.2. G.Kaptay: Chemical reactions in chloro-aluminate melts (January, 1988, Leningrad) M.2-c1. Akhmedov S.N.: Study of durability of refractory materials in Aluminium containing melts in order to their usage in Aluminium electrolysis cells. (in Russian). PhD Thesis, Leningrad, 1988, 267 p. (reference No 124) M.3. S.V.Devyatkin: Electrochemical synthesis of refractory borides from molten salts (May, 1997) M.4. L.Bolyán: Interfacial energies in liquid metal / ceramic systems (June, 1999, not defended due to the absence of exams on foreign languages) M.5. L.Tikász: A virtual aluminum electrolysis cell (February, 2001) M.6. E.Báder: Role of interfacial energies in casting of alloys and composites (May, 2001) M.7. R.Román: Removal of zinc from fly-ash by molten salt treament (defended at Free University of Brussels, July, 2001) Postgraduate diplomas: M.8. Zs.H.Göndör: Chemical polishing of welding rods (June, 2000) MSc Diploma works: M.9. B.Tury: Morphology of TiB2 produced by electrochemical synthesis (June, 1998) M.10. A.Molnár: Interfacial phenomena at continuous casting of steel (June, 1999) M.11. R.Gemela: Dynamic study of incorporation of ceramic particles into liquid metals (June, 1999) M.12. M.S.Yaghmaee: Thermodynamics of the Fe-Al-N-B system (June, 2000) Student research works: M.13. B.Tury: Stabilisation of boron ions in cryolite melts (1995, III. pl.)) M.14. B.Tury: Electrochemical synthesis of TiB2 (1996, II. pl., participant of OTDK) M.15. 1996. M.S. Yaghmaee: Calculation of Pb-Sn phase diagram (1996, I.pl, III. pl. at OTDK) M.16. A. Molnár: Wettability of ceramics by liquid metals (1996, III. pl) M.17. A. Molnár: Continuous casting of steel (1997, II. plc) M.18. L.Varga: Preparation of in-situ Al/TiB2 composites (1997, III. pl) M.19. P.Barkóczy, J.Farkas: Interfacial force in liquid phase sintering (1997, I.pl.) M.20. R.Gemela: Dynamics of incorporation (1997, III. pl.) M.21. M.S.Yaghmaee: Calculation of different binary phase diagrams (1998, I. pl.) M.22. M.S.Yaghmaee: Calculation of ternary phase diagrams (1998, I. pl, OTDK I. pl., Pro-Scientia Golden Medal) M.23. Varga László: Treshold contact angle of penetration (1998, II. plc) M.24. R.Gemela: Dynamics of incorporation (1998, I. plc) M.25. M.S.Yaghmaee: The ternary Fe-Al-N phase diagram (1999, I. plc) M.26. G. Csicsovszki: Cohesion in Metals (2000, II. plc, III. plc in Lausanne Junior Euromat) M.27. L.Zoltai: Wettability of silicon nitride by liquid metals (2000, I. plc) Papers in this issue
Interface Science MW1. E.Bader: Wettability of Alumina by Liquid Magnesium and Liquid AZ91 Alloy MW2. L.Zoltai: Prediction of wettability between liquid metals and covalent ceramics MW.3. A Borsik: Dynamic simulation of the movement of ceramic particles in front of moving solidification front
Electrochemistry MW.4. S.V.Devyatkin: Influence of different conditions of electrochemical synthesis on the structure of the deposited refractory compound coatings MW5. I.Sytchev, H.Kushov: Voltammetric Investigation of the Reduction Processes of Nickel, Cobalt and Iron Ions in Chloride and Chloro-Fluride Melts MW6. M.S.Yaghmaee, E.Cserta, Á.Kovács, M.Árk: Carbon Micro-Tubes Produced by ] Electrochemical Synthesis from Molten Salts MW7.G.Kaptay: On the Possibility to Produce a MgB2 Superconductor Layer by Electrochemical Synthesis from Molten Salt
Chemical Thermodynamics MW8. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: On the stability range of SiC in ternary liquid Al-Si-Mg alloy MW9. G. Kaptay, G. Csicsovszki, M.S.Yaghmaee: Estimation of the absolute values of cohesion energies of pure metals
Industrial Applied Research MW10. M.Z.Benkő: On the computer software for the LD converter at the Dunaferr Works