XV. évfolyam 1. szám
2018. Május
XV.Volume - 1 o 1. May 2018
Tartalomjegyzék - Contents |
Lahmaidi H, Baumli P, Kaptay G:
Calculation of the volume ratio of salt filling the pores of a porous material for latent Heat storage application
Ben Zine H.R, Balázsi K, Balázsi C:
Effect of the alpha-Si3N4 addition on the tribological properties of 316L stainless steel prepared by attrition milling and spark plasma sintering
Zátonyi A, Szabó A, Fedor F, Horváth Á, Pongrácz A, Fekete Z:
Trendek a polimer alapú mikroimplantátumok fejlesztésében
Ben Zine H.R, Balázsi C, Balázsi K:
Study of the different ceramic additions effect on the 316L morphological properties during attrition milling
[HUN] - Magyar cikk
[ENG] - English article

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