

Nic Shannon - Electromagnetism on Ice : from quantum spin ice to protons in water ice

2016. január 5.
MTA Wigner FK SZFI, I. épület
It has been known since the pioneering work of Bernal, Fowler and Pauling that hexagonal water ice is the architype of a frustrated material : a proton-bonded network in which protons satisfy strong local constraints - the "ice rules" - but do not order.


Varró Sándor - The 110 Years of the Photon. From Einstein’s Light Quanta to Extreme Light

2015. november 17.
MTA Wigner FK SZFI, I. épület
We review the historical background and variants of the notion of light quanta since Einstein’s “heuristic viewpoint” on the photoelectric effect was published in 1905.


Halász Gábor - Hole dynamics in exactly solvable gapped and gapless spin liquids

2015. november 10
MTA Wigner FK SZFI, I. épület
We present a controlled microscopic study of hole dynamics in both a gapped and a gapless spin liquid. Our approach is complementary to previous phenomenological works as we introduce mobile holes into the spin liquid ground state of the exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb model.


Ken Elder - Honeycomb and Triangular Domain Wall Networks in Heteroepitaxial Systems

2015. szeptember 15.
MTA Wigner FK, I. épület
In this talk I would like to present a  study of the influence of misfit strain, adhesion strength, and lattice symmetry on the complex Moire patterns that form in ultrathin films adsorbed on compact triangular surfaces, such as graphene on metals.


Rózsa Levente - Nemkollineáris spinkonfigurációk mágneses vékonyrétegekben

2015. július 14.
MTA Wigner FK SZFI, I. épület
Az utóbbi években sikerült különbözõ nem mágneses tömbi anyagok felületén kialakított egy és két atomsor vastag mágneses vékonyrétegekben a mágneses rendezõdés speciális fajtáit kimutatni. Ilyenek például a spinspirálok és a skyrmionrács.


Andreas Ringwald - Exploring the Role of Axions and Other Ultralight Particles in the Dark Universe

2015. május 21.
ELTE Pázmány Péter s. 1/A
Many theoretically well-motivated extensions of the standard model of particle physics  predict the existence of very weakly interacting slim (in the sense of ultralight) particles (WISPs),  such as the axion. WISPs may constitute the mysterious dark matter in the universe and solve some puzzles in stellar and high-energy astrophysics.

