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Number of hits: 69
Title of journal | Supplier | Available from |
Bayesian Analysis | Project Euclid - Open Access | 2006- |
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry | Beilstein Institut - Open Access | 2005- |
Beobachtungen angestellt am Astrophysikalischen Observatorium in O Gyalla in Ungarn | Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár - EISZ | 1879-1889 |
Berichteder Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin | Gallica - Open Access | 1868-1901 |
Bernoulli | Project Euclid - Open Access | 1995- , kivéve az utolsó 3 év |
Biochemical Engineering Journal | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1998-től |
Biochemical Journal | Open Access | 1906-2007 |
Biochemical Society Transactions | Biochemical Society - Open Access | 1999- kivéve az aktuális év, csak PDF |
Biochemistry | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1962- |
Biochemistry (Moscow) | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2000- |
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2007- |
Bioconjugate Chemistry | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1990- |
BioControl | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Biodegradation | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Biodiversity and Conservation | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bioelectrochemistry | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 2000-től |
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1974-1999 |
Biofabrication | IOPScience | 2009- |
Biogeochemistry | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications | Hindawi Publ.Corp. | 2003- |
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics | IOPScience | 2006- |
Biokémia | Open Access | 1977- |
Biological Invasions | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1999- |
Biology and Fertility of Soils | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Biomacromolecules | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2000- |
Biomass and Bioenergy | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1991-től |
Biomaterials | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1980-től |
Biomaterials Science | Royal Society of Chemistry | 2013- |
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2002- |
Biomedical Materials | IOPScience | 2006- |
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express | IOPScience | 2015- |
BioMetals | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Biomicrofluidics | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 2007- |
Biomolecular Engineering | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1999-2007 |
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1993-től |
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1991-től |
Bioorganic Chemistry | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1971-től |
Biophysical Chemistry | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1973-től |
Biophysical Journal | Cell Press - Open Access | 1960- , kivéve az utolsó 12 hónap |
Biophysical Reviews | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2009- |
Biophysics | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2006- |
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bioresource Technology | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1991-től |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1990-től |
Biotechnology Letters | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Biotechnology Progress | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1990-1995 |
Biotechnology Techniques | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997-1999 |
BIT Numerical Mathematics | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2014- |
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2014- |
Boundary-Layer Meteorology | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering | Open Access | 1997- |
Brazilian Journal of Physics | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2011- |
Brazilian Journal of Physics | Open Access | 1996-2010 |
British Journal of Applied Physics | IOPScience | 1950-1967 |
Building and Environment | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1976-től |
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques | ScienceDirect - EISZ | 1998-től |
Bulletin of American Mathematical Society | Project Euclid - Open Access | 1891-1991 |
Bulletin of Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin | Project Euclid - Open Access | 1994- , kivéve az utolsó 5 év |
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2003- |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bulletin of Materials Science | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society | SpringerLink - EISZ | 1997- |
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan | Open Access | 1926-1991 |
Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2007-2014 |
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2007- |
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics | SpringerLink - EISZ | 2007- |