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Number of hits: 106

Title of journal Supplier Available from
e-Journal of Soft Materials / Society of Rubber Industry,Japan J-STAGE - Open Access 2005-2015
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology / Surface Science Society of Japan J-STAGE - Open Access 2003-
e-Polymers/ European Polymer Federation De Gruyter 2001-2012
EARSeL eProceedings Open Access 2001-
Earth and Planetary Science Letters ScienceDirect - EISZ 1966-től
Earth, Moon, and Planets SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Earth-Science Reviews ScienceDirect - EISZ 1966-től
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration SpringerLink - EISZ 2002-
Economist Open Access Válogatott cikkek az aktuális hónapból
ECS Electrochemistry Letters Electrochemical Society 2012-2015
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Electrochemical Society 2012-
ECS Meeting Abstracts Electrochemical Society 2006-
ECS Solid State Letters Electrochemical Society 2012-2015
ECS Transactions Electrochemical Society 2006-
Educational Studies in Mathematics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Egyptian Journal of Solids Open Access 2000-2009
Electric Power Systems Research ScienceDirect - EISZ 1977-től
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Electrochemical Society 1998-2012
Electrochemistry Communications ScienceDirect - EISZ 1999-től
Electrochimica Acta ScienceDirect - EISZ 1959-től
Electronic Communications in Probability Project Euclid - Open Access 1996-
Electronic Journal of Probability Project Euclid - Open Access 1996-
Electronic Journal of Statistics Project Euclid - Open Access 2007-
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics Open Access 2005-
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1999-től
electronic-Liquid Crystal Communications (e-LC) Open Access 2003-
Energy ScienceDirect - EISZ 1976-től
Energy & Environmental Science Royal Society of Chemistry 2008-
Energy & Fuels American Chemical Society (ACS) 1987-
Energy and Buildings ScienceDirect - EISZ 1977-től
Energy Conversion and Management ScienceDirect - EISZ 1980-től
Energy Economics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1979-től
Energy Policy ScienceDirect - EISZ 1973-től
Energy Reports ScienceDirect - EISZ Átmenetileg nem elérhető
Energy Research Journal Science Publications - Open Access 2010-
Energy Systems SpringerLink - EISZ 2010-
Energy Technology & Policy Taylor and Francis 2014-
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ScienceDirect - EISZ 1989-től
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Taylor and Francis 2007-
Engineering Fracture Mechanics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1968-től (részben open access)
Engineering Structures ScienceDirect - EISZ 1978-től
Entropy: international and interdisciplinary journal of entropy and information studies MDPI - Open Access Publ. 1999-
Environment Systems and Decisions (Environmentalist) SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environment, Development and Sustainability SpringerLink - EISZ 1999-
Environmental and Ecological Statistics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental and Resource Economics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental Chemistry Letters SpringerLink - EISZ 2003-
Environmental Earth Sciences SpringerLink - EISZ 2010-
Environmental Engineering and Policy SpringerLink - EISZ 1998-2001
Environmental Fluid Mechanics SpringerLink - EISZ 2001-
Environmental Geochemistry and Health SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental Geology SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-2009
Environmental Impact Assessment Review ScienceDirect - EISZ 1980-től
Environmental Management SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental Modeling and Assessment SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental radioactivity in Hungary Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár - EISZ 1975-1979
Environmental Radioactivity in Hungary REAL - MTA KIK Repozitórium 1975-1979
Environmental Research Letters IOPScience 2006-
Environmental Science & Technology American Chemical Society (ACS) 1967-
Environmental Science & Technology Letters American Chemical Society (ACS) 2014-
Environmental Science and Policy ScienceDirect - EISZ 1998-től
Environmental Science and Pollution SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Environmental Science: Nano Royal Society of Chemistry 2014-
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Royal Society of Chemistry 2013-
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Royal Society of Chemistry 2015-
EPJ Applied Metamaterials Open Access 2014-
EPJ Data Science EDP Sciences 2012-
EPJ direct SpringerLink - EISZ 2000-2002
EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies EDP Sciences 2015-
EPJ Photovoltaics EDP Sciences 2010-
EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation EDP Sciences 2014-
EPJ Web Conferences Open Access 2009-től
EPJ Web of Conferences EDP Sciences 2016-
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys EDP Sciences 1996-
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics Open Access 2001-
European Biophysics Journal SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
European Chemical Bulletin REAL - MTA KIK Repozitórium 2012-2017
European Food Research and Technology (Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung A) SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
European Journal of Chemistry Open Access 2010-
European Journal of Combinatorics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1992-től
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ScienceDirect - EISZ 1987-től
European Journal of Operational Research ScienceDirect - EISZ 1977-től
European Journal of Physics IOPScience 1980-
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry ScienceDirect - EISZ 1998
European Journal of Ultrasound ScienceDirect - EISZ 1995-2003
European Physical Journal - Special Topics SpringerLink - EISZ 2007-
European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei SpringerLink - EISZ 1998-
European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems SpringerLink - EISZ 1998-
European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields SpringerLink - EISZ 1998-
European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics SpringerLink - EISZ 1998-
European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter SpringerLink - EISZ 2000-
European Physical Journal Plus SpringerLink - EISZ 2011-
European Polymer Journal ScienceDirect - EISZ 1965-től
Europhysics Letters IOPScience 1986-
Europhysics News European Physical Society (EPS) - Open Access 2000-
Evolutionary Ecology SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Experimental Astronomy SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Experimental Mathematics Project Euclid - Open Access 1992-,  kivéve az utolsó 5 év
Experimental Mechanics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science ScienceDirect - EISZ 1988-től
Experiments in Fluids SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Expositiones Mathematicae ScienceDirect - EISZ 2001-től
Express Polymer Letters Open Access 2007-
Extreme Mechanics Letters ScienceDirect - EISZ 2014-
Extremes SpringerLink - EISZ 1998-