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Number of hits: 77

Title of journal Supplier Available from
IAEA Bulletin International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1958-
Icarus ScienceDirect - EISZ 1963-től
IEEE Spectrum Open Access 2001-, válogatott cikkek
Indagationes Mathematicae ScienceDirect - EISZ 1990-től
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics SpringerLink - EISZ 2010-
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry American Chemical Society (ACS) 1909-1970
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research American Chemical Society (ACS) 1987-
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars Open Access 1961-
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars REAL - MTA KIK Repozitórium 1965-2017
Information Sciences ScienceDirect - EISZ 1968-től
Infrared Physics and Technology ScienceDirect - EISZ 1994-től
Inorganic Chemistry American Chemical Society (ACS) 1962-
Inorganic Chemistry Communications ScienceDirect - EISZ 1998-től
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Royal Society of Chemistry 2014-
Inorganic Materials (MAIK Nauka) SpringerLink - EISZ 2000-
Inorganic Materials: Applied Research SpringerLink - EISZ 2010-
Inorganica Chimica Acta ScienceDirect - EISZ 1967-től
Instruments and Experimental Techniques (MAIK Nauka) SpringerLink - EISZ 2000-
Integral Equations and Operator Theory SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Integrative Biology Royal Society of Chemistry 2009-
Interface Electrochemical Society 2010-
Interface Science SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-2004
Intermetallics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1993-től
International Applied Mechanics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Biomechanics Taylor and Francis 2014-
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ScienceDirect - EISZ 1983-től
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics SpringerLink - EISZ 2001-
International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization EDP Sciences 2007-
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives ScienceDirect - EISZ 1980-től
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ScienceDirect - EISZ 1999-től
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ScienceDirect - EISZ 1987-től
International Journal of Biological Chemistry Science Alert - Open Access 2007-
International Journal of Biometeorology SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering Open Access 2003-
International Journal of Coal Geology ScienceDirect - EISZ 1980-től
International Journal of Earth Sciences SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ScienceDirect - EISZ 1979-től
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Open Access 2006-
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI - Open Access Publ. 2004-
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology SpringerLink - EISZ 2004-
International Journal of Fracture SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Journal of Game Theory SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow ScienceDirect - EISZ 1979-től
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ScienceDirect - EISZ 1960-től
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ScienceDirect - EISZ 1976-től
International Journal of Information Security SpringerLink - EISZ 2001-
International Journal of Inorganic Materials ScienceDirect - EISZ 1999-2001
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry ScienceDirect - EISZ 1998-től
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes ScienceDirect - EISZ 1983-1998
International Journal of Material Forming SpringerLink - EISZ 2008-
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design SpringerLink - EISZ 2004-
International Journal of Mineral Processing ScienceDirect - EISZ 1974-től
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials SpringerLink - EISZ 2010-
International Journal of Multiphase Flow ScienceDirect - EISZ 1973-től
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1966-től
International Journal of Physical Sciences Open Access 2006-
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1975-től
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials ScienceDirect - EISZ 1991-től
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education SpringerLink - EISZ 2003-
International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis SpringerLink - EISZ 2007-
International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials Taylor and Francis 2010-
International Journal of Steel Structures SpringerLink - EISZ 2009-
International Journal of Theoretical Physics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
International Journal of Thermal Sciences ScienceDirect - EISZ 1999-től
International Journal of Thermophysics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Inventiones Mathematicae SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Inverse Problems IOPScience 1985-
Ionics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science IOPScience 2008-
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering IOPScience 2009-
Irrigation Science SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ScienceDirect - EISZ 1989-től
Israel Journal of Mathematics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Izotóptechnika - Diagnosztika Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár - EISZ 1971-1994
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth SpringerLink - EISZ 2006-
Izvestiya: Mathematics (Izvestija AN SSSR. Ser. Mat.) IOPScience 1995-