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Number of hits: 47

Title of journal Supplier Available from
Facies SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Faraday Discussions Royal Society of Chemistry 2008-
FEBS Letters ScienceDirect - EISZ 1968-2015
Few-Body Systems SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Fibers and Polymers SpringerLink - EISZ 2000-
Fibre Chemistry SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Filtration and Separation ScienceDirect - EISZ 1989-től
Filtration Industry Analyst ScienceDirect - EISZ 1997-től
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design ScienceDirect - EISZ 1985-től
Finite Fields and Their Applications ScienceDirect - EISZ 1995-től
Fire Technology SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur Open Access 1998- , egyéni regisztrációval
Fizika Tverdogo Tela Open Access 1988-
Fizika. A, Croatian Physical Society - Open Access 1992-2010
Fizika. B, Croatian Physical Society - Open Access 1992-2011
Fizikai Szemle Open Access Válogatott cikkek 1950-
Fizikai Szemle REAL - MTA KIK Repozitórium 1951- , kivéve az utolsó 6 hónap
Flexible and Printed Electronics IOPScience 2016-
Fluid Dynamics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Fluid Dynamics Research IOPScience 1986-
Fluid Phase Equilibria ScienceDirect - EISZ 1977-től
Fluoride Open Access 1998- (1969-1997: selected volumes)
Focus on Catalysts ScienceDirect - EISZ 2002-től
Focus on Surfactants ScienceDirect - EISZ 2002-től
Food & Function Royal Society of Chemistry 2010-
Food Biophysics SpringerLink - EISZ 2006-
Foundations of Chemistry SpringerLink - EISZ 1999-
Foundations of Computational Mathematics SpringerLink - EISZ 2001-
Foundations of Physics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Foundations of Physics Letters SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-2006
Frontiers in Energy SpringerLink - EISZ 2007-
Frontiers in Materials Open Access 2014-
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering SpringerLink - EISZ 2007-
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering SpringerLink - EISZ 2007-
Frontiers of Materials Science SpringerLink - EISZ 2007-
Frontiers of Mathematics in China SpringerLink - EISZ 2006-
Frontiers of Physics (Frontiers of Physics in China) SpringerLink - EISZ 2006-
Fuel ScienceDirect - EISZ 1970-től
Fuel and Energy Abstracts ScienceDirect - EISZ 1995-től
Fuel Cells Bulletin ScienceDirect - EISZ 1998-től
Fuel Cycle and Waste Newsletter International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 2005-2014
Fuel Processing Technology ScienceDirect - EISZ 1977-től
Functional Analysis and Its Applications SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Functional materials / National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Open Access 2004-
Fusion Engineering and Design ScienceDirect - EISZ 1987-től
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making SpringerLink - EISZ 2002-
Fuzzy Sets and Systems ScienceDirect - EISZ 1978-től