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Number of hits: 65

Title of journal Supplier Available from
Nagoya Mathematical Journal Project Euclid - Open Access 1950-
Nano Letters American Chemical Society (ACS) 2001-
Nano Research SpringerLink - EISZ 2008-
Nano Today ScienceDirect - EISZ 2006-től
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects ScienceDirect - EISZ 2015-
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine ScienceDirect - EISZ 2005-től
Nanopages Akadémiai Kiadó - EISZ 2006-
Nanoscale Royal Society of Chemistry 2009-
Nanoscale Research Letters SpringerLink - EISZ 2006-
Nanoscience Methods Taylor and Francis 2012-
Nanostructured Materials ScienceDirect - EISZ 1992-1999
Nanotechnologies in Russia (MAIK Nauka) SpringerLink - EISZ 2008-
Nanotechnology IOPScience 1990-
Natur und Recht SpringerLink - EISZ 2004-
Natural Computing SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Natural Hazards SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Natural Product Reports Royal Society of Chemistry 2008-
Natural Resources Research SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Nature Nature Publ. 2007-
Nature Chemistry Nature Publ. 2010-
Nature Communications Nature Publ. 2010-
Nature Materials Nature Publ. 2007-
Nature Nanotechnology Nature Publ. 2006-
Nature Photonics Nature Publ. 2013-
Nature Physics Nature Publ. 2009-
Neural Computation MIT Press 1989-
New Astronomy ScienceDirect - EISZ 1996-től
New Astronomy Reviews ScienceDirect - EISZ 1998-től
New Biotechnology ScienceDirect - EISZ 2008-
New Journal of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry 2008-
New Journal of Physics IOPScience 1998-
Nexus Network Journal SpringerLink - EISZ 1999-
NoDEA : Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications ScienceDirect - EISZ 2000-től
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications ScienceDirect - EISZ 1976-től
Nonlinear Dynamics SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Nonlinear Oscillations SpringerLink - EISZ 2002-2012
Nonlinearity IOPScience 1988-
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Project Euclid - Open Access 1960- , kivéve az utolsó 5 év
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique IOPScience 1973-1976
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée IOPScience 1970-1972
NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (NTM International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine) SpringerLink - EISZ 2005-
Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings ScienceDirect - EISZ 2015-
Nuclear Data Newsletter International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1979-
Nuclear Data Sheets ScienceDirect - EISZ 1971-től
Nuclear Engineering and Design ScienceDirect - EISZ 1966-től
Nuclear Fusion IOPScience 1960-
Nuclear Instruments ScienceDirect - EISZ 1957-1958
Nuclear Instruments and Methods ScienceDirect - EISZ 1959-1981
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research ScienceDirect - EISZ 1981-1984
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A ScienceDirect - EISZ 1984-től
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B ScienceDirect - EISZ 1984-től
Nuclear Materials and Energy ScienceDirect - EISZ 2015-
Nuclear Physics ScienceDirect - EISZ 1956-1966
Nuclear Physics A ScienceDirect - EISZ 1967-től
Nuclear Physics B ScienceDirect - EISZ 1967-től
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements ScienceDirect - EISZ 1987-2014
Nuclear Power Newsletter International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 2004-2014
Nuclear Safety Update International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 2007-2011
Nuclear Science and Engineering American Nuclear Society (ANS) 1956-
Nuclear Technology American Nuclear Society (ANS) 1965-
Numerical Algorithms SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Numerical Analysis and Applications (MAIK Nauka) SpringerLink - EISZ 2008-
Numerische Mathematik SpringerLink - EISZ 1997-
Numerische Mathematik DigiZeitschriften - Open Access 1959-2003